Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Bayu Taruna Putra, Ph.D Open Journal Systems <p>AIIA is an international and cross-disciplinary scholarly and scientific open access, open-source journal on artificial intelligence and its application in various areas,s especially in industrial agriculture. Our aim is to encourage Professors, Researchers, and Students to publish their experimental and theoretical research, along with the full set of schematics, and methodological aspects to accelerate and rapid dissemination of leading-edge technologies emerging in Artificial Intelligence and its application on industrial agriculture and other fields.</p> <p>The journal aims at publishing high-quality scientific papers presenting cutting-edge technology with the key addition that all papers will also provide support paper/s that include the details of their designs, that are to be released under an open-source license (with a mandatory note in the paper as to specific OJS License).</p> <p>FREQUENCY: 2 ISSUES PER YEAR</p> Wheeled Soccer Robot with Behavior-Based Control Method 2023-04-03T14:06:15+07:00 Intho Nurshauma Syuhri Khairul Anam Mohamad Binawan Satriyo Mohamad Agung Prawira Negara Gramandha Wega Intyanto <p>Technology has developed so rapidly in many ways. One advancement is soccer robots. These robots are divided into humanoid soccer robots and wheeled soccer. Wheeled soccer or soccer wheeled robot uses wheels as actuators. These wheels are 3 Omni-wheel directional. The robot is equipped with CMUCAM 5 Pixy camera sensor with image processing capability. The system is designed with a behavior-based control method. This method fosters robot behavior to perform soccer games. The robot has the behavior of finding the ball, looking for a goal, dribbling, and scoring. When robots cannot be exchanged with the robot so it is necessary to find the ball. It is a very good behavior displacement seen in the dribbling test, given its success rate of 100% from 5 times of testing.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture Low-Cost Embedded Camera System for Measuring Vehicle Speed Using Raspberry Pi 4 with Background Subtraction 2023-03-17T16:16:55+07:00 Muhammad Dandi Susanto Khairul Anam Wahyu Muldayani Gramandha Wega Intyanto <p>Monitoring the traffic situation is essential due to the increasing number of vehicles in Indonesia. This aims to regulate vehicle traffic on the highway and reduce the number of accidents generally caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit. In cities with advanced technology, traffic can be monitored using cameras installed at different points on busy highways, commonly done by using a CCTV camera (Closed-circuit Television). When installed in strategic places around the road, CCTV can be very useful to track vehicle speed. Raspberry pi 4 and background subtraction with the aid of shape recognition technology have been proven decent strategies for image processing techniques, especially when dealing with static backgrounds. This research has demonstrated that speed detection with Raspberry pi 4 and the background subtraction can detect vehicle speed, as evidenced by accuracy of 93.2%.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture A Movement Control System for Surgical Lighting with Rasberry-Based Image Processing Method 2023-03-17T16:16:01+07:00 Sigit Wibisono Khairul Anam Ali Rizal Chaidir Gramandha Wega Intyanto <p>The surgical lighting is a medical device used to help medical personnel during surgery by focusing light on the local area or the patient’s cavity. One of the problems during surgery is the dependence on lighting due to blocked light by medical personnel in the operating room. The purpose of this article is to design a surgical lighting drive control system with an automatic raspberry-based image processing method so that the illumination of the operation leads to injury. The drive system in surgical lighting uses image processing methods with data input in the form of images taken directly at a certain time. Image input is managed using image processing methods, namely camshift and median filter. Images from RGB are then converted to HSV. The HSV value is used as the threshold in the camshift method for tracking objects. The median filter method is applied to minimize errors due to noise. The experimental results obtained an optimal image resolution of 320x240 to capture images in real-time with a delay in image changes.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture Design of Wheeled Robot Navigation for Monitoring of Room Temperature based on Behavior-Based Control 2023-03-17T16:11:11+07:00 Ikhsanudin Ikhsanudin Khairul Anam Sumardi Sumardi Gramandha Wega Intyanto <p>A robot is a mechanical and electrical device that can perform physical tasks, with or without human control. An autonomous mobile robot can behave independently (only once needing direction). The increase in the development of robot science influence human life and substitute for finishing difficult work. Such as if there is a natural disaster like an increase in extreme temperatures that humans can’t solve directly, they need a robot to detect its temperature and be capable to transfer the data automatically. To make a robot can be run automatically, we need a behavior method-based robot control and PID motor control on its robot actuator. PID parameters can be chosen according to the robot's needs so that the robot can move around as you wish. The PID control effectiveness testing is performed by giving the PID control load 200 gr 320 gr and testing on the sandy floor. On testing the PID with the weight 200 gr get rise times 1.3 seconds, 1.7 seconds, 0 seconds, and 22.2 seconds. On testing weight, 320 gr obtained rise times 1.1 seconds, 8.4 seconds, 0 seconds, 13.7 seconds, and on testing is rise time 4.9 seconds, 15.7 seconds, 0 seconds, and 13.7 seconds. To determine the success rate of robot navigation conducted testing with a trial of 10 x with a success rate of 60%.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture Mechanism of Estimating Shelf Life of Eggs Using Optical Sensors 2023-06-12T11:16:26+07:00 Hariets Syah Alam Wijaya Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra <p>Eggs are food items that can be easily damaged. Damage to eggs can occur due to age and the handling process during storage. To avoid this damage, proper storage methods are needed. In this study, there are several storage methods, namely outside storage methods, inside storage boxes, and refrigerator storage. To estimate the shelf life of eggs, this study used RGB cameras, NIR cameras, NIR cameras + filters, smartphone cameras, and spectrometers. The data retrieval process is carried out by taking an image of the age of the eggs in each storage method. The image results are then extracted using ImageJ software from the extraction results, and the data is used as a graph to see the egg's shelf-life phase. Data analysis was done by calculating the RGB values in 4 egg images and then normalization. A statistical correlation test was used to determine the coefficient of determination (R2) and the degree of suitability of the independent and dependent variables. From the coefficient of determination, a good index for estimating the shelf life of eggs is good for each egg.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Agriculture