
The journal publishes original research and review papers. Particularly the journal is focused on artificial intelligence and its application in various areas especially in industrial agriculture with the following areas:
• Machine Learning
• Deep Learning
• Fuzzy logic
• Heuristic search
• Knowledge-based system
• Modelling
• GIS / Remote Sensing
• Natural language processing
• Computer Vision
• Human-machine interface
• Optimization
• Application of AI in Industrial Agriculture

Other areas not mentioned above are also accepted as long as they provide Science and technology solutions based on artificial intelligence.

Therefore, this international journal covers a broad spectrum of important topics and most importantly provides the traditionally missing key design components that truly allow a reader to duplicate the work of the publishing scientist fully. The papers published in this journal provide comprehensive and unique information to a global readership covering diverse and multi-disciplinary fields. A large number of eminent professors and scientists from around the world serve as board members and reviewers for the journal


Custom technologies based on your needs

  • MongoDB
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis
  • Solr
  • Memcached