AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
JURNAL UNEJen-USAgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat3032-3231Application of Deep Breathing Relaxation Therapy as an Effort to Overcome Anxiety and Stress in the Community of RW 11 in Gebang sub-district, Patrang District, Jember
<p><em>The World Health Organization stated that stress can be a primary threat to human mental health. Stress can contribute 50%-70% to the emergence of metabolic and hormonal diseases, hypertension, cancer, infections, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases and so on. Stress involves transactions between individuals and the outside world. Stress is a response that arises if an individual assesses the event as stressful in terms of testing the ability to control the stressor and the subjective experience of stress. One way to improve psychological well-being is relaxation technique therapy. This method of community service activities is carried out by providing stress management health education and progressive muscle relaxation training to the community. This activity was guided by professional nursing students and there were additional media posters for stress management and progressive muscle relaxation to help people practice independently. The result of this activity is that the people who take part become more relaxed and anxious</em></p>Itsna AisyahLaurensia NatshaMasulyatuk HukmiyahEnggal Hadi KurniyawanErti Ikhtiarini DewiYeni FitriaFitrio Deviantony
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-2222697410.19184/ank.v2i2.934Community Empowerment In Applying The Sunnah Of The Prophet: Dhikr To Reduce Anxiety During The Covid-19 Pandemic
<p><em>The trigger for anxiety in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic was stress due to social isolation or physical distancing during Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).</em> <em>Excessive anxiety during quarantine can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms.</em> <em>One way to deal with anxiety problems during the Covid-19 pandemic is to use a non-pharmacological approach, namely the application of the Sunnah of the Prophet:</em> <em>Dhikr is one form of activity or activity that has been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad.</em> <em>The purpose of this community service is to reduce the anxiety of the Muslim community at the Wonolapan Posyandu.</em> <em>The method of implementing this community service uses the lecture method and leaflet media.</em> <em>Community service will be held at the Pucangan Kartasura Posyandu on Sunday, 27 June 2021</em><em>. </em><em>The community at the end of the activity was able to explain simply the meaning of the Sunnah of the Prophet,</em> <em>the purpose of the Sunnah of the Prophet, whenever he performs the Sunnah of the Prophet,</em> <em>stages of dhikr in the Sunnah of the Apostle (100%), the percentage of community activity in counseling the Sunnah of the Apostle:</em> <em>Dhikr is (95%).</em> <em>This shows that the implementation of counseling can increase public knowledge about the management of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic</em><em>.</em></p>Diyanah Syolihan Rinjani PutriDewi Suryandari
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-2222757910.19184/ank.v2i2.960Implementation of SI PERAWAT MUDA to Improve Easy and Completed Nursing Documentation Filling in the Dahlia Pavilion inpatient room at RSUD.dr.H. Koesnadi Bondowoso
<p><em>Pelayanan keperawatan merupakan salah satu bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien. Dimana pelayanan akan memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan mutu pelayanan Rumah Sakit. Tujuannya adalah agar pelayanan keperawatan yang diberikan dapat secara berkesinambungan selama 24 jam. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan dokumentasi keperawatan terisi dengan lengkap sebanyak 80% dan 20 % tidak terisi dengan lengkap. Kelengkapan dari tahapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan yaitu pengkajian keperawatan sebesar 60%, diagnosis keperawatan sebesar 75 %, rencana keperawatan sebesar 75%, tindakan keperawatan sebesar 20% dan evaluasi keperawatan sebesar 85%. Dalam rangka upaya peningkatan pengisian dokumentasi keperawatan mudah dan lengkap di ruang rawat inap Pav.Dahlia RSUD.dr.H. Koesnadi Bondowoso, kami membuat program inovasi SI PERAWAT MUDA. Kegiatan ini merupakan implementasi SI PERAWAT MUDA kepada seluruh perawat Pav.Dahlia dengan PengiSIan Dokumentasi KePERAWATan MUDAh dan Lengkap. </em><em> </em></p>Yudho Tri HandokoNurfika AsmaningrumPasidi ShidiqKholid Rosyidi Muhammad Nur
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-2222808610.19184/ank.v2i2.1518The UNEJ KKN Program 'Smart Kids': Local Food Innovation In Stunting Mitigation Through Moringa And Soybean Husk (Glycine Max) Products
<p><em>Stunting is one of the significant chronic nutritional issues in Indonesia, especially among young children. Data shows that although the prevalence of stunting has decreased, it remains high, including in Lumajang Regency, with a prevalence rate of 23.8%. Sawaran Lor village has local potential in the form of nutrient-rich moringa leaves, but their utilization has not been optimal. Another local potential, soybean hull waste from the tempeh industry, which is usually only used as animal feed, contains nutrients that can be utilized as functional food. The "SMART KIDS" program (Stunting Mitigation and Recovery through Kelor Pudding and Soybean Cookies) was initiated by KKN 242 Universitas Jember as an effort to combat stunting through local food innovation. This program involved training posyandu cadres and mothers of young children in Sawaran Lor village to process moringa leaves into pudding and soybean hull waste into high-fiber cookies. The results of the activities showed an increase in participants' knowledge and skills in processing local food resources to support stunting prevention and improve the local economy.</em></p>KhairunnisaSiti Wardatul AliaAzizah Nasywa SalsabilaHira Putri SakantiNisa Aulia RahmawatiMoh. Aqmal SyahputraIda Zuhroidah
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-2222879310.19184/ank.v2i2.1568Enhancing Early Childhood Health Through Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) Education Using the Drill Method In The Rubiq Program
<p>The program called Rumah Belajar Asiq (RUBIQ) aims to improve the health of young children through education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) using the drill method. This activity was carried out by the KKN 241 University of Jember Group at RA Al-Hikmah and PAUD Bendera Bangsa. The drill method is applied to teach practical skills, such as washing hands and brushing teeth properly. The results of this activity showed significant improvements in children's understanding and skills, with an average score increase of 30% for washing hands and 40% for brushing teeth. The drill method has proven to be effective in increasing children's knowledge and skills and forming healthy habits from an early age, which contributes to improving the quality of public health.</p>Kemal Al VarazyIcha Raisa NurhadiGalang PrasanjayaIda Zuhroidah
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-2222949710.19184/ank.v2i2.1569Implementing ‘CLEAR TB’ for Early Detection of Infectious Diseases in Visitors at the Pakusari Primary Health Care
<p>Infectious diseases (IBD) are a major health problem in Indonesia, especially tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is one of the most common causes of death in the world and kills around 1.5 million people each year in 2020. In January-August 2024 at the Pakusari Health Center, data on TB cases found and treated were 76 patients, suspected TB patients who received standard diagnostic services were 732 patients, the success rate of treatment was 42 patients, TB patients who underwent contact investigations were 68 patients, health services for people with suspected TB were 732 patients, and TB in children were 7 patients. From these data, it can be concluded that the transmission of this disease is still high even though a Pulmonary TB control program has been carried out. In order to detect tuberculosis infectious diseases early in patients at the Pakusari Health Center, we created the CLEAR TB innovation program. This community service activity is in the form of implementing CLEAR TB for visitors to the Pakusari Health Center which includes integrated services based on an online screening approach through an application. CLEAR TB stands for Check Active Evaluation Steps for Tuberculosis Risk. The purpose of this community service is to develop a program for prevention and control of infectious diseases of TB to make it more accessible, especially in the Pakusari Health Center area and to increase service satisfaction for the community. In addition, it makes it easier for health workers to screen suspected tuberculosis patients.</p>Inayah Riski Wulandari Riski WulandariEvita RohmaniahTantut SusantoIis RahmawatiAchmad Ali basriFarida Andrayani
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-22229810610.19184/ank.v2i2.1600Implementing ‘SKIPP’ for Enhancement of the Effectiveness the Discharge Planning at Hospital X
<p><em>Planning for patient discharge is a complex process that aims to prepare the patient for the transition period in the hospital until the patient returns home safely. Long waiting times for patients to be discharged and less than optimal completeness of medical record files are problems at Perkebunan Jember Klinik Hospital. To overcome this problem, innovation was carried out by implementing the Patient Discharge Indicator Scale (SKIPP). The aim of this innovation program is to increase the effectiveness of comprehensive discharge planning. The methods used include observation, document review, interviews, focus group discussions, lectures and questions and answers. The results of the study showed a significant increase in nurses' knowledge from an average score of 53% to an average score of 90% after SKIPP socialization, the waiting time for patient discharge had met the established standards, with an average waiting time of only 1.7 hours and a review of six electronic medical records show that discharge planning, patient information and education have been completely documented in the electronic system. This shows that implementing SKIPP is an effective step in improving the quality of patient discharge services. The process includes assessing the patient's readiness the day before going home, giving a readiness score, submitting a discharge proposal to the doctor, and providing information and education to the patient and his family.</em></p>Debie Saktyana IriawandaniAnisah ArdianaAbdi Agus Youandi
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-222210711410.19184/ank.v2i2.1612Application of Butterfly Hug Therapy as an Effort to Manage Stress in the Communities with Risk Group in Jumerto sub-district, Patrang District, Jember
<p>Based on the results of the assessment in RW 03 Jumerto Village, it showed that there were 45 people (12.1%) experiencing mental problems (ODMK) and 1 person (0.3%) experiencing mental disorders (ODGJ). One treatment to reduce anxiety is butterfly hug therapy. Butterfly hug therapy is a self-stimulation technique that helps eliminate feelings of anxiety and makes a person feel more relaxed. The aim of holding this community service activity is to provide health education accompanied by demonstrations related to butterfly hugs. It is hoped that people will know how to manage stress using self-management in the form of a butterfly hug. The number of health education participants was 20 people. The results of the health education evaluation showed that the majority of respondents stated that after doing it they felt much calmer, more enthusiastic about living their next life, and felt that someone was accompanying them when they were sad. This shows that butterfly hug health education can increase feelings of calm so that it can reduce feelings of anxiety.</p>Nganga EvenyDwi FitrianiKhaurinnisa Jesycha FebriEnggal Hadi KurniyawanErti Ikhtiarini DewiYeni FitriaFitrio Deviantony
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-222211512110.19184/ank.v2i2.1673Innovation of Moringa Based Food Processing as An Effort to Prevent Stunting
<p>Stunting is a health problem that requires attention. The cause of stunting is chronic malnutrition which results in failure in physical growth and cognitive development in children. Therefore, one of the stunting prevention programs is a nutrition-based approach, especially food innovation that can prevent stunting and utilize the potential of existing resources in society. Moringa is a component that has a lot of potential as a nutritional source to prevent stunting. The aim of this community service is to provide health education through nutrition to prevent stunting. The method involves lectures and discussions about stunting and its prevention, as well as demonstrations of Moringa-based food innovations. This community service was carried out in the Bumi Semeru Damai Agricultural Community, namely pregnant women and mothers with toddlers in Sumbermujur Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency. The results show that there is an increase in respondents' knowledge before and after education. Community service was received very well and warmly by participants. Enthusiastic participants in the event were proven by their activeness in questions and answers. There was an increase in knowledge because the material presented was not only through lectures but also through demonstrations, the material presented was easy to understand and not boring. Respondents felt happy because the friendliness of the education provider, the use of moringa which grows widely in agricultural areas, was a useful part for the respondents. Stunting prevention education by utilizing existing resources around can be used as a step to increase maternal education in increasing awareness and meeting the nutritional needs of stunted children.</p>Musviro MusviroNurul HayatiSri Wahyuningsih
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2024-12-222024-12-222212212610.19184/ank.v2i2.1674GOSIP URIP: Information and Promotion System as a Support to Improve the Implementation of Orientation for New Inpatients in the Treatment Room at Kaliwates General Hospital, Jember Regency
<p>New patient orientation is the process of accepting new patients and their families when new patients come for the first time. At the time of receiving new patients, it was conveyed about room orientation, treatment, medical, room order. From the results of the researcher's observations, nurses have not yet carried out the orientation of new inpatients. Because there are no guidelines and operational standards for procedures, flows and instruments. The new patient orientation aims to foster a relationship of mutual trust and initial information related to the nursing process, as well as room facilities, inpatient rooms and hospital procedures. Therefore, this community service activity is in the form of the GOSIP URIP program (New Inpatient Patient Orientation Movement). The innovation of this program consists of several innovations, namely the creation of guidelines, standard operating procedures, flows, and,instruments</p>Denny Rifki KurniawanDodi WijayaWiwin Sri Niscahya Wati
Copyright (c) 2024 AgroNurse Kesehatan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat