ARJASRIYA: Journal of Social Work and Welfare 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>ARJASRIYA: Journal of Social Work and Welfare</em></strong></p> <p><em>The “<strong>ARJASRIYA: Journal of Social Work and Welfare” </strong>is a journal managed by the Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember. The word “Arjasriya” means Prosperous Prosperity. This is in line with the field of social welfare science which studies social problems and seeks to realize social welfare. The existence of the Arjasriya journal is expected to accommodate ideas, thoughts, literature studies, and research results to enrich scientific treasures, especially social welfare.</em></p> <p><em>The “</em>ARJASRIYA: <em>Journal of Social Work and Welfare” receive current and original articles that address social welfare issues within the framework of academic and practical experience. Authors can submit articles about research findings or literature reviews and critical thinking studies on social welfare, including issues of poverty management, social rehabilitation, social security protection, social empowerment, and social work. These themes will enrich scientific treasures, especially in the field of social welfare.</em></p> <p><em>The Arjasriya Journal is published twice a year, in April and October. </em></p> Indigenous Knowledge System dalam Pelestarian Hutan dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Dusun Karang Kenek 2024-10-01T13:52:31+07:00 Adinda Nurul Fadlilah Arif Arif Akhmad Munif Mubarok <p><em>Indigenous knowledge system is the original cultural heritage of the Indonesian people. The people of Karang Kenek Hamlet, Olean Village are one of the many community groups who still preserve the existing indigenous knowledge system, especially for the benefit of preserving forest resources in the area where they live. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach. Researchers use determining the research location using the purposive area technique. Determination of informants is divided into two types, namely main informants and additional informants. Data collection techniques through interview, observation, and documentation. The result of this research show that the people of Karang Kenek Hamlet still preserve the local indigenous knowledge system, especially for preserving natural forest resources. The values contained in the indigenous knowledge system have unconsciously become part of people’s lives. In general, the result of implementing these values have made the lives of the people of Karang Kenek Hamlet more prosperous.</em></p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adinda Nurul Fadlilah, Arif Arif, Akhmad Munif Mubarok Perilaku Keluarga dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi pada Anak Stunting dari Keluarga Ekonomi Menengah 2024-10-01T13:18:54+07:00 Kanarelta Antli Gamalian Franciscus Adi Prasetyo <p><em>The stunting cases in Kaliwates District have become a major concern, as it is one of the districts with a high prevalence of stunting. Geographically, Kaliwates is located in the city center, with Mangli Village being the area with the highest number of stunting cases within the district. However, field conditions reveal that some children identified as stunted come from middle-income families, indicating that the contributing factors are related to parental behavior in meeting children's nutritional needs and irregular eating patterns. Furthermore, children’s habits of playing with gadgets lead them to delay their meals. This research aims to understand parental behavior in fulfilling the nutritional needs of stunted children and to identify supporting factors that contribute to stunting in children from middle-income families. The study adopts the concepts of child nutritional needs fulfillment, stunting, middle-income family dynamics, family behavior, and child social welfare. The research employs a qualitative approach with an instrumental case study design. The research location was chosen using purposive area sampling, with Mangli Village, Kaliwates District, Jember Regency as the research site. Informants were selected using purposive sampling techniques, and data were collected through non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. Data analysis included data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The quality of the research was enhanced by applying dependability, credibility, transferability, and confirmability standards. The findings indicate that stunting in children from middle-income families, who are expected to have better access to adequate nutrition, contrasts with the data observed during the research. The contributing factors to stunting include: 1) a predominance of fast food and snacks in the diet; 2) irregular meal schedules. Parents attempt to address their children's health conditions by: 1) seeking information from credible sources; 2) consulting with specialists and Posyandu (community health posts); and 3) making adjustments to their children's diet and meal schedules.</em></p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kanarelta Antli Gamalian, Franciscus Adi Prasetyo Dampak PT Industri Gula Glenmor (IGGG) pada Kehidupan Sosial dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Karangharjo Kabupaten Banyuwangi 2024-10-01T11:09:01+07:00 Mahmudayana Mahmudayana Mahfudz Shidiq <p><em>Industry is one of the strategies in rural development that can improve the economy of a region. Development will have a domino effect on other aspects, especially social and economic aspects. The impact of the existence of PT Industri Sugar Glenmore brought changes to the socio-economic community. There are two social aspects, namely the change in the role of women from only in the domestic area to the public sphere and a change in behavior from collective to individual, while the economic aspect describes the availability of jobs, increased income, and increased ownership of goods or personal assets. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the impact of PT Industri Gula Glenmore on social and economic life. This research method uses qualitative. This type of research uses descriptive research. Data collection by non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique uses source triangulation. The results of this study are the social aspect is the change in the role of women from only in the domestic area to the public sphere and a change in behavior from collective to individual. In the economic aspect, the availability of employment opportunities, increasing community income, and increasing personal ownership of goods/assets in the community. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that there is liquid waste that flows into the southern area of the factory which makes the residents' wells smell bad, and the reduction of working days for plantation workers who used to work for about 15 days now only work for about 7 days.</em></p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmudayana Mahmudayana, Mahfudz Shidiq Proses Pengambilan Keputusan oleh Suami untuk Menjadi Akseptor Keluarga Berencana (KB) 2024-10-01T10:20:18+07:00 Regyta Nuraini Franciscus Adi Prasetyo Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus <p>This study explores the decision-making process of men in becoming Family Planning (FP) acceptors in Tandes District, Surabaya. Male participation in the FP program remains limited, due to the common perception that contraception is a woman's responsibility. This situation is exacerbated by the side effects experienced by women using contraceptives, particularly hormonal methods, which often lead to long-term health issues. The study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the decision-making stages men go through in selecting FP methods such as condoms or vasectomy. The findings indicate that men’s decisions to become FP acceptors are influenced by factors such as awareness of their wife’s health issues, access to information about male contraception, and support from their social and family environment. The men involved in this study generally decided to undergo a vasectomy after discussing it with their partner and considering the overall well-being of their family. This decision is often motivated by affection and concern for their wives, who experience discomfort from hormonal contraceptive use. The study highlights the importance of communication between husband and wife and the role of men in family planning, which is a significant step toward gender equality in population control and improving family well-being.</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Regyta Nuraini, Franciscus Adi Prasetyo, Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus Persepsi Lingkungan Pergaulan Teman Sebaya terhadap Perilaku Flexing Mahasiswa di Media Sosial Instagram 2024-10-01T11:42:20+07:00 Donny Jasir Pratama Kris Hendrijanto Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus <p>Flexing is a show-off behavior aimed at the public in the hope of gaining popularity, but delivered in a way that is unpleasant for others. The student environment on campus is inseparable from the phenomenon of flexing, because as young people who are looking for their identity. Flexing perpetrators who are students tend to limit their interactions with certain groups only, and give rise to various perceptions from their environment. This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze the perception of the peer group environment towards student flexing behavior on Instagram social media. The study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The location determination technique applies a purposive area, by selecting the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember. The informant determination technique uses purposive sampling, consisting of 3 flexing perpetrators and 3 peers of the perpetrators. The data collection technique uses non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique applies Miles &amp; Huberman. The validity technique uses triangulation of sources and methods. The results of the study show that there is a perception of dislike from the perpetrator's out-group for their habit of showing off, which then forms a contradictory relationship between them, and a perception of liking arises from the perpetrator's in-group because the habit of showing off becomes something they have in common, which then forms an assimilation relationship.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Donny Jasir Pratama, Kris Hendrijanto, Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus Triple Helix sebagai Strategi Kolaborasi Destigmatisasi Kampung Idiot menjadi Desa Mandiri 2024-10-01T11:36:39+07:00 Iva Izzatul Kamilah Kusuma Wulandari Hadi Prayitno <p><em>The village idiot stigma was attached to Karangpatihan Village starting in 2008 through media reports covering the large number of mentally retarded people and also the condition of the mentally retarded. The impact of the village idiot stigma makes the people in Karangpatihan Village feel uncomfortable, so a destigmatization strategy through community development is needed. This research uses qualitative-descriptive research with non-participant observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and documentation. The results of this research show that the triple helix collaboration strategy from the village government, academics and the private sector can improve the social welfare of the mentally retarded and restore the social functioning of the mentally retarded through community development so that the term idiot village can no longer be attached to Karangpatihan Village. This is because the mentally retarded are able to become independent and function socially again, which ultimately forms an independent village</em>.</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iva Izzatul Kamilah, Akhmad Munif Mubarok, Hadi Prayitno