Vegetation Analysis of Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) Habitat in Mamas Resort Area, Gunung Leuser National Park, Southeast Aceh


  • Dodi Syahputra Universitas Nasional
  • Sri Suci Utami Atmoko Universitas Nasional
  • Tatang Mitra Setia Universitas Nasional
  • Ibrahim Forum Konservasi Leuser



Food trees, Primary forest, Secondary forest, Sumatran orangutan, Vegetation


Most fauna species are highly dependent on forest quality, one of which is orangutans. Orangutans have a habitat preference that is evenly distributed or in groups. Therefore, the management of orangutan populations and their habitats must consider the habitat preferences of orangutan populations. The purpose of this study was to determine the habitat quality (vegetation types) of orangutan populations through vegetation richness in both habitat types, namely primary and secondary forests. The method used is plotted (20x20) line method. This study was conducted for 2 weeks (8-21 August 2023). Each habitat type consists of 4 transects, 40 plots in primary forests and 18 plots in secondary forests. The highest Importance Value Index (IVI) in primary forests is Litsea diversifolia from the Lauraceae Family, while in secondary forests, the hignest IVI is Macaranga gigantea from Euphorbiaceae family. The availability of sumatran orangutan food tree species, as many as 60 species in Primary forest and 45 species in secondary forest. The diversity index shows that primary forests have higher diversity than secondary forests. The species diversity index, dominance index, and evenness index in primary and secondary forests are categorized as high.


