Analysis of Instruments and Rubrics in Measuring Students' Communication Skills


  • Claresia Kusmayadi State University of Malang
  • Abdul Gofur State University of Malang
  • Sri Lestari State University of Malang



communication skill, instrument, rubric


Education has transitioned into the knowledge era, presenting new challenges that highlight the importance of 21st-century skills. Emphasizing 21st-century skills prepares students to navigate a world demanding enhanced cognitive abilities and creativity, with a focus on soft skills over hard skills. Strong communication skills are crucial for effective teaching and learning, enabling students to articulate thoughts, listen actively, and collaborate in group settings. Structured evaluation tools and rubrics are vital for assessing these competencies, aiding teachers in evaluating students' oral communication abilities within the framework of 21st-century skills. The study uses qualitative methodology with literature review techniques, collecting data from Scopus and analyzing it in four stages. The analysis shows that various communication instruments and rubrics are used by educational institutions to enhance 21st-century skills. Between 2018-2023, five articles used communication skill instruments in their research, featuring at least four commonly used rubrics: Greenstein, CCSS, PISA, and UNT.


