The Effect of Synthetic Pesticides and Botanical Pesticides From Paitan Leaves (Thitonia diversifolia) on Death, Behavior of Earthworms, Hatchability of Coccon and Histology of Earthworms


  • Della Navia Linda Graduate Program, Biology , State University of Malang
  • Sofia Ery Rahayu Biology, State University of Malang
  • Sulisetijono Biology, State University of Malang



Behavioral Response, Cocoon Hatchability, Histology, Pesticide, Thitonia diversifolia


The use of synthetic pesticides in pest control is increasing from year to year. The effects of using synthetic pesticides can affect non-target organisms that live in the soil, such as earthworms. Therefore, it is necessary to develop botanical pesticides based on paitan leaf extract (Thitonia diversifolia) which are environmentally friendly. The method of research used is laboratory experimental research with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) research design. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of exposure to synthetic pesticides and botanical pesticides from paitan leaf extract on the growth, behavior of earthworms, cocoon hatchability and histology. Making paitan leaf extract using the maceration method with ethanol solvent. The pesticide concentration in the study consisted of negative control (K-), synthetic pesticide (K+), and 5% paitan leaf extract. Based on the research results, it shows that earthworms exposed to synthetic pesticides died more (79 %) compared to treatment with paitan leaf extract (39 %), and K(-) 15%.  The most cocoons that successfully hatched were found in the treatment K(-) Based on research results, botanical pesticides, paitan leaves are safe for the life of earthworms.


