Development of Learning Media "Holoscience Application" Problem-Based Circulatory System Material Assisted by Hologram Pyramid to Improve Student Collaboration Skills


  • Serent Resiana Hantari Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Abdul Gofur Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Muntholib Universitas Negeri Malang



Application media, Circulatory system, Collaboration skills, Problem based learning


The development of this media aims to design, validate, test practicality, and evaluate the effectiveness of the Holosains Application in enhancing collaborative skills in the Circulatory System topic. The research method used is R&D, with the development design following the Lee & Owens model. This model includes five stages: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The research site was SMPN 16 Malang in class 8B, with a total of 34 students. The media validation results showed a score of 93.8%, categorized as "Very Valid," while content validation reached a percentage of 100%, also deemed "Very Valid." Field validation obtained a 100% score, rated as "Very Valid." The practicality test scored 83%, which falls under the "Very Practical" category. The effectiveness test, derived from the N-gain calculation of pretest and posttest scores, achieved a score of 0.61, classified as "Moderate." Based on the testing results and collaborative skill assessments, the development of the Holosains Application is deemed valid, practical, and effective.


