Rigid Pavement, Pavement Thickness, Pd T-14-2003, MDP 2017, Perkerasan Kaku, Tebal PerkerasanAbstract
Karatas Road which currently has the status of a district road. The road is planned to be upgraded to a national road designed using rigid pavement. This study aims to perform a comparative analysis of the results of the rigid pavement thickness design using Bina Marga method between Pd T-14-2003 and MDP 2017. The results showed that the rigid pavement thickness according to Pd T-14-2003 method was 220 mm, the foundation layer of Lean Mix Concrete was 100 mm, the tie bars and dowel connections used a diameter of 16 mm and 33 mm, while according to the 2017 MDP method of 305 mm, the Lean layer Mix Concrete 100 mm, class A aggregate foundation layer 150 mm, cement stabilization layer 300 mm, tie bars and dowel connections using 19 mm and 36 mm diameters. The results of the comparison analysis of the two methods are that if using the 2017 MDP the thickness of the 2017 MDP concrete slab is thicker, has a class A aggregate foundation layer, and the tie bars and dowel diameters are larger. The 2017 MDP uses the same concept as the Pd T-14-2003. The differences that exist between MDP 2017 and Pd T-14-2003 are: the types of vehicles that were analyzed, namely vehicles that have 6 wheels or more replacing vehicles with a minimum total weight of 5 tons, the existence of a subgrade handling with a CBR of less than 6%, the existence of a drainage facilitation in the area under rigid pavement.
Jalan Karatas saat ini berstatus sebagai jalan kabupaten. Jalan direncanakan akan ditingkatkan menjadi jalan nasional yang dirancang dengan menggunakan perkerasan kaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis perbandingan hasil desain tebal perkerasan kaku menggunakan metode Bina Marga antara Pd T-14-2003 dengan MDP 2017. Hasil penelitian didapatkan tebal perkerasan kaku menurut metode Pd T-14-2003 sebesar 220 mm, lapis fondasi Lean Mix Concrete 100 mm, sambungan tie bars, dan dowel menggunakan diameter 16 mm dan 33 mm, sedangkan menurut metode MDP 2017 sebesar 305 mm, lapis Lean Mix Concrete 100 mm, lapis fondasi agregat kelas A 150 mm, lapis stabilisasi semen 300 mm, sambungan tie bars, dan dowel menggunakan diameter 19 mm dan 36 mm. Hasil analisis perbandingan kedua metode yaitu jika menggunakan MDP 2017 tebal pelat beton MDP 2017 lebih tebal, memiliki lapis fondasi agregat kelas A, dan diameter tie bars dan dowel lebih besar. MDP 2017 menggunakan konsep yang sama dengan Pd T-14-2003. Perbedaan yang ada antara MDP 2017 dan Pd T-14-2003 adalah: jenis kendaraan yang dianalisis yaitu kendaraan memiliki 6 roda atau lebih menggantikan kendaraan dengan total berat minimum 5 ton, adanya penanganan subgrade dengan CBR kurang dari 6%, dan adanya fasilitasi drainase di bawah perkerasan kaku.