ETLE, Buagan Crossroad, traffic violations, accident, Simpang Buagan, pelanggaran lalu lintas, kecelakaanAbstract
So far, the city of Denpasar is considered to have had many traffic violations. For this reason, the police installed CCTV at Buagan Crossroad to monitor road users, and the police used it to assist the ETLE system. This research was conducted to determine the public's perception of the implementation of ETLE, and also the government's efforts to increase public awareness of traffic. Researchers describe and solve problems by looking for various data from many sources and conducting surveys of the community. From the survey, it is known that 63% of respondents do not know that in Buagan Crossroad there is an application of ETLE, even though as many as 82% of respondents have passed it. This lack of knowledge of the drivers who commit traffic violations. They felt unsupervised because there were no police on duty at the location. So, they get a ticket, but as many as 69.7% of respondents do not know the process and the cost of the ticket. From all this, the researcher concluded that the police did not socialize the ETLE system to the public, because 67% of respondents felt they had not received the socialization.
Kota Denpasar sejauh ini dinilai banyak terjadi pelanggaran lalu lintasnya. Untuk itu kepolisian memasang CCTV pada Simpang Buagan untuk mengawasi pengguna jalan, serta digunakan kepolisian untuk membantu sistem ETLE. Adanya penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap penerapan ETLE, dan juga usaha pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat berlalu lintas. Peneliti mendeskripsikan dan memecahkan masalah dengan mencari berbagai data dari banyak sumber dan melakukan survei terhadap masyarakat. Dari survei tersebut, diketahui bahwa 63% responden tidak mengetahui bahwa di Simpang Buagan terdapat penerapan ETLE, padahal sebanyak 82% responden pernah melewatinya. Kurangnya pengetahuan tersebut para pengendara banyak yang melakukan pelanggaran lalu lintas. Mereka merasa tidak terawasi karena tidak ada polisi yang berjaga di lokasi itu. Sehingga mereka mendapatkan surat tilang, tetapi sebanyak 69,7% responden tidak mengetahui proses dan biaya tilang. Dari semua ini peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kepolisian kurang mensosialisasikan sistem ETLE kepada masyarakat, karena 67% responden merasa belum mendapat sosialisasi tersebut.