Journal of Sustainable Energy Development <p>Journal of Sustainable Energy Development (JSED) is under publishment of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember. It is a scientific journal focusing on oil, natural gas, and renewable energy. It provides a publishing platform for scientists and academicians to share, publish, and discuss all aspects of the latest outstanding development in energy aspect.</p> en-US (Hadziqul Abror) (Riska Laksmita Sari) Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analisis Retention Time Terhadap Pemisahan Fasa Pada Three Phase Separator di Unit Lube Oil Complex (LOC) III <p>This research analyzes the retention time of the three phase separator in separating oil, water, and gas <br>phases at PT Pertamina refinery unit IV Cilacap. With an initial retention time ranging from 31 - 34 <br>minutes, there are phases that are still not separated in the separator. This study aims to provide <br>recommendations for retention time based on unseparated phases and how to apply them to the separator <br>at the refinery. This study involves three types of lube oil analyzed, namely DAO, MMO, and LMO. The <br>results show that there is still a difference between the phases at the inlet and outlet which indicates that <br>the phase separation at the initial retention time is still not optimal so that new retention time <br>recommendations need to be made. In the type of DAO lube oil with a retention time of 33 minutes with <br>the largest difference at the inlet and outlet of 0.040. In the type of MMO lube oil with a retention time of <br>31.2 minutes with the largest difference of 0.037. In the type of LMO lube oil with a retention time of 34.2 <br>minutes with the largest difference of 0.036. After making retention time recommendations based on the <br>results of the difference between inlet and outlet, the retention time recommendations for DAO are 54.6 <br>minutes, MMO is 51.6 minutes, and LMO is 55.8 minutes. The application of retention time <br>recommendations for the separator can be done by optimizing the flow rate at 432,439 m3/day or adding <br>new separator facilities that can accommodate operational volumes of up to 60.4 m3.</p> Muhammad Farel Devfara, Hadziqul Abror, Agus Triono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pengaruh Number of Stages dan Banyak Pompa ESP di Sumur X <p><em>In well X, there has been a decline in oil production, leading to a decrease in the company’s revenue. This is due to an increase in the watercut percentage, as the reservoir itself operates on a water drive mechanism. Therefore, a follow-up action is needed to address this situation by using an artificial lift ESP with a tandem design. This approach aims to enhance the effectiveness and economic efficiency of the production process. The artificial lift Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) used is a CENTRILIFT with model FC2700, series 400, installed at depths of 6371 ft and 6382 ft, respectively. A comparison of the two artificial lifts shows that the number of stages in the upper section is greater than in the lower section, resulting in a higher oil flow rate at the top, reaching 68.52 STB/d. Meanwhile, in the ESP well, oil flow rate has increased by 77.46 STB/d.</em></p> Eriska Eklezia Dwi Saputri, Vani Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KEBERHASILAN KERJA ULANG PINDAH LAPISAN PADA SUMUR SKW-33 LAPANGAN SUKOWATI <p><em>This study explores the effectiveness of re-perforation operations at Well SKW-33 in the Sukowati Field to enhance oil production. The background highlights the decline in production rates despite the well's initial success with natural flow since June 2015. The primary objective is to evaluate the impact of re-perforation on oil production and water cut. The research employs methods such as squeeze cementing, Cement Bond Log (CBL) analysis, well logging and subsequent re-perforation. The results demonstrate a significant increase in oil production from 100-150 barrels per day (bopd) to a peak of 305 bopd post-re-perforation. Additionally, the water cut reduced from 95-96% to 80%, indicating a successful reduction in water production. The conclusion asserts that re-perforation significantly boosts short-term oil production and reduces water production, though ongoing management is essential for maintaining long-term efficiency.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Desyana Nindya Prastiwi, Hadziqul Abror, Babas samudera Hafwandi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Production Performance Analysis to Mature Field Development Plan <p><em>The research focuses on evaluating the production performance of three oil wells-Well F55A MB, Well Hovea 13 ST1, and Well Pedirka-1-using Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) and Vertical Lift Performance (VLP) analysis to determine optimal artificial lift methods for each case. The study explores critical production parameters such as reservoir pressure, temperature, and gas-to-oil ratio (GOR) while employing decision tree methodologies to select suitable artificial lift systems. For Well Hovea 13 ST1 and Well Pedirka-1, gas lift installations significantly enhanced oil recovery rates by optimizing injection pressures and valve placements, achieving production gains of 694 and 300 barrels per day, respectively. In contrast, Well F55A MB, characterized by high water cut and lower reservoir temperatures, was deemed unsuitable for artificial lift based on the decision tree analysis, with a stable production of 2832 stb/d. This work highlights the importance of tailored artificial lift strategies for maximizing oil recovery and improving well performance in diverse reservoir conditions.</em></p> Cahyo Tri Raharjo, Riska Laksmita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Penanggulangan Kadar Gas H2S Pada Aliran Minyak Di Stripper Melalui Penerapan Injeksi Sweetening Gas dan Oil Rate <p><em>This research evaluates the performance of an existing stripper in handling H<sub>2</sub>S content in the oil stream in Sukowati Field, Bojonegoro Regency. With H<sub>2</sub>S content ranging from 2-3%, there's a risk of danger and damage to the piping system. The study aims to assess the stripper's performance, propose an optimization scenario for managing H<sub>2</sub>S content, and compare the existing stripper's performance with the optimization scenario. The research involved evaluating the stripper from October to December 2023, formulating an optimization scenario, and implementing it in January 2024. Results indicate that the % absorption ratio in the sweetening process averaged 98.99% in the existing stripper and 99.75% in the optimization scenario. The oil rate to sweetening gas ratio averaged 89.31% in the existing stripper and 88.01% in the optimization scenario. The sweetening gas injection to oil rate ratio averaged 10.7% in the existing stripper and 12.0% in the optimization scenario. The optimization scenario reduced H<sub>2</sub>S content from 24000 ppm to 60 ppm, meeting standards. Overall, optimizing the oil rate to sweetening gas injection ratio improved H<sub>2</sub>S content reduction efficiency in the stripper, with H<sub>2</sub>S content at the outlet less than 100 ppm. </em></p> Lilo Al Fiqriansyah, Hadziqul Abror, Agus Triono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUASI KINERJA HEAT EXCHANGER 260E-103 PADA KILANG LUBE OIL COMPLEX III UNIT 260 PT KILANG PERTAMINA INTERNASIONAL RU IV CILACAP <p>In the process of processing petroleum, PT Pertamina International RU IV Cilacap is equipped with a heat exchanger as<br>a supporting tool for the production and processing. Heat exchanger functions as a heat exchange that works with the<br>principle of heat exchange without mass transfer. The use of heat exchangers that are in extreme environments and are<br>used for a long period of time to pass fluids, there is a high probability of deposit formation or impurities that can affect<br>the pressure drop and decrease the performance efficiency of the heat exchanger in terms of heat exchange. Planning for<br>cleaning must be considered to maintain the performance of the heat exchanger performance so that it remains in optimal<br>condition. The heat exchanger that will be evaluated in this study is Heat Exchanger 260E-103 at PT Pertamina<br>International RU IV Cilacap. The research was conducted using quantitative methods through the calculation of fouling<br>factor, pressure drop, and heat transfer efficiency. The results showed that the Rd value of Heat Exchanger 260E-103 of<br>LMO was 0.0317 hr ft2 oF/Btu; 0.0058 hr ft2 oF/Btu; 0.0048 hr ft2 oF/Btu, MMO was 0.0193 hr ft2 oF/Btu; 0.0157 hr ft2<br>oF/Btu; 0.0070 hr ft2 oF/Btu, and DAO of 0.0153 hr ft2 oF/Btu; 0.0193 hr ft2 oF/Btu; 0.0029 hr ft2 oF/Btu. The pressure<br>drop value of Heat Exchanger 260E-103 of LMO is 12.021 Psi; 10.632 Psi; 10.416 Psi, MMO is 11.077 Psi; 11.108 Psi;<br>10.435 Psi, and DAO is 14.149 Psi; 13.764 Psi; 13.625 Psi. The efficiency for Heat Exchanger 260E-103 of LMO is<br>22.81%; 79.47%; 82.16%, MMO is 29.07%; 46.03%; 72.16%, and DAO is 17.43%; 60.06%; 45.04%. The results show<br>that Heat Exchanger 260E-103 is not suitable for use because it has Rd and pressure drop values exceeding normal<br>limits, and efficiency is below standard.</p> Villia Rian Ashari, welayaturromadhona welayaturromadhona Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700