Implications of Government Policy in Changing the BPJS Health Class System to Standard Inpatient Class


  • Friedrich Max Rumintjap Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


This article examines the implications of the Indonesian government's policy to change the BPJS Health class system to the Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS). This policy aims to create equal access to healthcare services for all citizens but faces various challenges, particularly related to hospital infrastructure readiness and stakeholder perceptions. Through an in-depth analysis, this article evaluates hospital readiness, stakeholder perceptions, and existing regulations. The findings indicate that while the KRIS policy has the potential to improve healthcare service standards, additional regulatory support and intensive socialization are needed to ensure effective implementation and the success of this policy. Keywords: BPJS Health, Standard Inpatient Class, health policy, healthcare service equality.




How to Cite

Max Rumintjap, F. (2024). Implications of Government Policy in Changing the BPJS Health Class System to Standard Inpatient Class. Konferensi Nasional Mitra FISIP, 2(1), 256–264. Retrieved from