The Study of Relationship between Actors and Groups Involved in the Development of Surakarta


  • Riska Hasanah FISIP Universitas Jember


Political Development, Development Actors, Concession


This study aims to describe that every development is always born from a political process. Every development always has certain goals or interests which include the political process and can be identified through who the actors are involved, what development issues are brought up, how the development strategy is carried out, and what concessions each actor gets from the development. The approach and research method used is literature study, by filtering several journals that are relevant to the topic of discussion. The research results show that the splendor of development in the City of Surakarta cannot be separated from the strong role of interest actors involved in every development process and decision making in the City of Surakarta.




How to Cite

Hasanah, R. (2024). The Study of Relationship between Actors and Groups Involved in the Development of Surakarta. Konferensi Nasional Mitra FISIP, 2(1), 213–219. Retrieved from