The Policy Analysis For Reducing The Use Of Plastic Bags In Surabaya Using A Problem Trees Analysis Approach


  • Novika Rahmawati Kunadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agustin Marsely Prahestie Abdul Rokhman Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Public Policy, Plastic Waste, Problem Trees Analysis


This research aims to examine the impact of excessive use of plastic bags in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia. Which is a city with high levels of consumption and economic mobility. Using the Problem Tree Analysis method, analyzed several factors that cause the plastic waste problem, including people's consumptive lifestyle, high economic growth, and high per capita income. From the analysis results, the increase in plastic bag use is directly related to people's consumerist lifestyle, which is driven by the rate of economic growth and high per capita income. Apart from that, the increase in population is also a factor that contributes to the increase in plastic waste in the city of Surabaya. In overcoming this problem, the Surabaya City Government has issued Mayor Regulation (Perwali) Number 16 of 2022 concerning Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags as an effort to reduce the accumulation of plastic waste.  




How to Cite

Kunadi, N. R., & Abdul Rokhman, A. M. P. (2024). The Policy Analysis For Reducing The Use Of Plastic Bags In Surabaya Using A Problem Trees Analysis Approach. Konferensi Nasional Mitra FISIP, 2(1), 532–541. Retrieved from