Sinergi Triple Helix (Pemerintah, Universitas, dan Sekolah) dalam Simulasi Mitigasi Bencana Gempa dan Kebakaran di SMAN 5 Jember, Kabupaten Jember
The community service activity of disaster mitigation simulation at SMAN 5 Jember aimed to enhance disaster preparedness among students, teachers, and school staff through collaboration between SMAN 5 Jember, the BPBD of Jember Regency, the Fire Department, and the University of Jember, employing the Triple Helix approach. The activity comprised three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. During the planning phase, materials were distributed, evacuation routes were mapped, and coordination teams were appointed. The implementation phase involved delivering disaster mitigation materials on earthquake and fire preparedness by academic experts, BPBD, and the Fire Department, followed by simulations on earthquake evacuation, casualty handling, and fire suppression. The evaluation phase was conducted through surveys to assess the participants' increased knowledge and preparedness. The simulation results showed a significant improvement in students' understanding of disaster response procedures, with an average score of 80%. The simulations were carried out smoothly, with participants successfully executing evacuation procedures and using fire extinguishing equipment appropriately. The Triple Helix model proved effective in enhancing inter-organizational cooperation and creating a disaster-resilient school environment. The activity also successfully instilled a safety culture, which can serve as a model for other schools in disaster-prone areas. This initiative has improved disaster preparedness at SMAN 5 Jember and supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in enhancing resilience to disasters. This collaborative simulation model can be applied in other schools to improve local disaster resilience.