Pelatihan Dasar Kartografi Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas


  • Kurnia Maulidi Noviantoro
  • M.Rizqon Al Musafiri
  • Chalia Chistella


Cartography is one of the materials that requires special understanding and skills in learning geography. The concept of this material generally discusses maps and mapping. The low level of students' spatial understanding in the context of geography learning and knowledge about maps is the main problem in this material. This community service aims to improve students' spatial understanding and introduce maps comprehensively at SMA NU Genteng Banyuwangi. The method used is online interactive training as an innovative strategy in teaching geography. The activity was carried out in the form of a workshop involving teachers and students as participants. The results of the activity showed an increase in student enthusiasm in studying cartography material, as well as increasing their understanding of spatial knowledge through maps. Post-activity evaluation indicated that in general participants experienced an increase in their understanding of maps and built their awareness of spatial literacy through cartography. It is hoped that this effort will be an important step in equipping students and teachers with relevant and adaptive skills to technological developments, especially those related to mapping science, both now and in the future.


