Sosialisasi Strategi Menjadi Guru Sejarah Idaman


  • Fachri Zulfikar


The aim of this service activity is to provide information to prospective History Education teachers about the importance of becoming a dream teacher, who increases their competence in teaching and prioritizes character development. UNEJ History Education students are generally the target audience who are the focus of this community service activity. The target to be achieved after carrying out this community service activity is students who become dream teacher candidates who have a passion for teaching; there is no such thing as giving up in doing something. Enthusiasm is positive energy that will continue to encourage the teacher to make his students successful. The method of community service activities is the lecture and question and answer method. Overall, this socialization activity ran smoothly and received a positive response from the participants. Participants want this activity to be carried out sustainably. With this activity, prospective teachers are motivated to become dream teachers by being able to master the material; able to master the class; have broad insight; creative; innovative; and have positive characters


