Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner en-US Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner Sinergi Triple Helix (Pemerintah, Universitas, dan Sekolah) dalam Simulasi Mitigasi Bencana Gempa dan Kebakaran di SMAN 5 Jember, Kabupaten Jember <p><em>The community service activity of disaster mitigation simulation at SMAN 5 Jember aimed to enhance disaster preparedness among students, teachers, and school staff through collaboration between SMAN 5 Jember, the BPBD of Jember Regency, the Fire Department, and the University of Jember, employing the Triple Helix approach. The activity comprised three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. During the planning phase, materials were distributed, evacuation routes were mapped, and coordination teams were appointed. The implementation phase involved delivering disaster mitigation materials on earthquake and fire preparedness by academic experts, BPBD, and the Fire Department, followed by simulations on earthquake evacuation, casualty handling, and fire suppression. The evaluation phase was conducted through surveys to assess the participants' increased knowledge and preparedness. The simulation results showed a significant improvement in students' understanding of disaster response procedures, with an average score of 80%. The simulations were carried out smoothly, with participants successfully executing evacuation procedures and using fire extinguishing equipment appropriately. The Triple Helix model proved effective in enhancing inter-organizational cooperation and creating a disaster-resilient school environment. The activity also successfully instilled a safety culture, which can serve as a model for other schools in disaster-prone areas. This initiative has improved disaster preparedness at SMAN 5 Jember and supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in enhancing resilience to disasters. This collaborative simulation model can be applied in other schools to improve local disaster resilience.</em></p> Muhammad Asyroful Mujib Sri Astutik Bejo Apriyanto Yushardi Cindy Yulia Sutrisno Rakhmawati Oktasenta Syafira Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1 Peningkatan Kesadaran Sejarah Melalui Webinar Sejarah Kekinian Melawan Kebosanan Akut Dan Kekunoan <p><em>History is considered an uninteresting and boring field of science. This opinion not only develops in the school environment, but also in society in general. Various factors can be the cause of why this historical problem occurs. Such as curriculum implementation, use of inappropriate learning methods, educator competence, and conventional textbooks. A new history learning paradigm needs to be implemented to eliminate antiquity and boredom in history. Through webinars, training was provided to History Education students at FKIP Jember University. This activity was carried out to increase understanding of alternative methods that can be used to present historical narratives. Apart from that, it is to provide an understanding of New Historicism in order to produce historical works with new themes.</em></p> Fernanda Prasky Hartono Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1 Pengenalan Dasar Kewirausahaan Pada Siswa di SMP PGRI 1 Rambipuji Jember <p><em>This service is motivated by the lack of entrepreneurship learning among students at PGRI 1 Rambipuji Middle School, Jember. Entrepreneurship education needs to be instilled from an early age because it aims to foster understanding, entrepreneurial knowledge, and the enthusiasm needed to encourage success in business entrepreneurship and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit.&nbsp; Entrepreneurship education taught in junior high school is expected to break down consumerist patterns in children by training them to be independent by developing their ideas and creativity to create something of value for themselves and others.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Lisana Oktavisanti Mardiyana Hety Mustika Ani Choirul Hudha Retna Ngesti Sedyati Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1 Pelatihan Dasar Kartografi Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas <p><em>Cartography is one of the materials that requires special understanding and skills in learning geography. The concept of this material generally discusses maps and mapping. The low level of students' spatial understanding in the context of geography learning and knowledge about maps is the main problem in this material. This community service aims to improve students' spatial understanding and introduce maps comprehensively at SMA NU Genteng Banyuwangi. The method used is online interactive training as an innovative strategy in teaching geography. The activity was carried out in the form of a workshop involving teachers and students as participants. The results of the activity showed an increase in student enthusiasm in studying cartography material, as well as increasing their understanding of spatial knowledge through maps. Post-activity evaluation indicated that in general participants experienced an increase in their understanding of maps and built their awareness of spatial literacy through cartography. It is hoped that this effort will be an important step in equipping students and teachers with relevant and adaptive skills to technological developments, especially those related to mapping science, both now and in the future.</em></p> Kurnia Maulidi Noviantoro M.Rizqon Al Musafiri Chalia Chistella Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1 Sosialisasi Strategi Menjadi Guru Sejarah Idaman <p><em>The aim of this service activity is to provide information to prospective History Education teachers about the importance of becoming a dream teacher, who increases their competence in teaching and prioritizes character development. UNEJ History Education students are generally the target audience who are the focus of this community service activity. The target to be achieved after carrying out this community service activity is students who become dream teacher candidates who have a passion for teaching; there is no such thing as giving up in doing something. Enthusiasm is positive energy that will continue to encourage the teacher to make his students successful. The method of community service activities is the lecture and question and answer method. Overall, this socialization activity ran smoothly and received a positive response from the participants. Participants want this activity to be carried out sustainably. With this activity, prospective teachers are motivated to become dream teachers by being able to master the material; able to master the class; have broad insight; creative; innovative; and have positive characters</em></p> Fachri Zulfikar Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1 Pelatihan Digital Marketing Untuk Pemasaran Produk Siswa SMK Darul Hikmah Jurusan Tata Busana <p><em>In this era where everything uses information technology, it has a positive impact if you can use it well. One of them is to market a product. Many people have switched to using digital media such as using Shopee, Tiktok, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc. to market their products. In carrying out sales promotions, currently more people use digital media because they can reach all people in all regions, both domestically and abroad. Therefore, digital marketing training was carried out for students at the Darul Hikmah Vocational School, Fashion Design Department, so that they could utilize information technology appropriately. This activity was attended by 50 grade 12 students at Darul Hikmah Vocational School majoring in Fashion Design and took place in the Darul Hikmah Vocational School hall and in collaboration with the Darul Hikmah Al-Ghazaalie Islamic Boarding School. The methods used are lectures and demonstrations. With this digital marketing training, students can increase their knowledge in utilizing digital technology to market the products they produce sustainably so that they can become economically independent individuals before entering society.</em></p> Novia Tri Hapsari Ariza Arisandi Chamelia Putri Prima Ratna Sari Copyright (c) 2025 Sosion: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisipliner 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 1 1