Journal of Agropharmacy <p><strong>Journal of Agropharmacy</strong> is a scientific journal managed and published by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Jember. This journal is published three times a year. Scientific articles that can be published in this journal include research in the fields of pharmaceutical science and technology, clinical and community pharmacy, and pharmacy management.</p> Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Jember en-US Journal of Agropharmacy 3063-1580 Skrining fitokimia dan potensi daya hambat ekstrak pacing (Costus speciousus, J.Sm) terhadap Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv <p><em>Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and can attack other body organs. Transmission occurs through splashes of phlegm when coughing, sneezing or talking. TB treatment using antituberculosis drugs (OAT) has side effects ranging from mild to severe side effects, namely hepatotoxicity. Therefore, alternative therapy from natural ingredients is needed because natural ingredients have few side effects when used appropriately. This research aims to determine the class of secondary metabolite compounds in the extract and fraction of the Pacing plant (Costus speciousus, J.Sm) and determine its effectiveness against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The extraction method used is remaceration with methanol solvent. The concentrations of the samples tested varied with the positive control of isoniazid. The research results showed that Pacing plant extracts and fractions contained alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins. Terpenoid compounds were not detected in the samples tested. The antituberculosis test showed that the n-hexane fraction had the best anti-TB activity, although the IC50 value of the extract and fraction was still lower than that of isoniazid as a positive control. However, Pacing extract and fraction still have potential as a very strong anti-TB agent because the IC50 value is below 50 ppm.</em></p> Ayik Rosita Puspaningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 89 90 10.19184/joa.v1i3.1311 Evaluasi Perencanaan dan Pengadaan Obat dengan Dana JKN di Puskesmas Rambipuji Jember <p><em>Public Health Center is a health facility that organizes drug management activities, including planning and procurement activities. Evaluation needs to assess the success of achieving the objectives and results of the action. Indicators that can use are efficiency indicators published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and efficiency indicators developed by Pudjaningsih. Rambipuji Public Health Center with spending funds for the most significant drug procurement in Jember Regency in 2020. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the results that can improve the quality of service in the next period. This research aims to determine the results of the evaluation of drug planning and procurement with JKN funds at Rambipuji Public Health Center for 2020. This research is descriptive, primary data through interview results. Secondary data includes total funds available, drug procurement funds, Drug Usage Reports, and Drug Demand Sheets for drugs purchased through JKN funds and stock cards. The data is analyzed descriptively, presented in the form of tables supported by interview results. The results showed that the Government of Indonesia had governed drug planning and procurement activities with JKN funds. The percentage indicator of available funds compared to the general funds needed is 114.26%. The percentage indicator of drug procurement fund allocation is 3.46%. Results on percentage indicator procurement conformity with the reality of the use of each drug item amounted to 133.33% and on the procurement frequency indicator of each drug item once a year. Through this research, it can be concluded that the evaluation results on indicators of the efficiency of drug planning and procurement activities at Rambipuji Public Health Center have not been by established standards. This matter was influenced by several factors, including a decrease in the number of patient visits due to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in the organizational structure in the Jember Health Office that resulted in the frequency of procurement activities only once throughout 2020, and the absence of government regulations that regulate in more detail about the percentage of JKN funds allowed for drug procurement activities.</em></p> Ika Norcahyanti Adelia Firandi Nuril Izzati Farihatur Ramadhani Sinta Rachmawati Ema Rachmawati Dhita Evi Aryani Firdha Aprillia Wardhani Yunita Dyah Kusumaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 122 130 10.19184/joa.v1i3.1811 Daftar Isi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 i ii Efek protektif sari kurma (Phoenix dactylifera L.) terhadap histopatologi paru mencit yang terpapar asap rokok <p><em>Smoking has become a lifestyle that affects human health and causes many diseases, including respiratory system disorders, cancer, infertility, and cardiovascular diseases. Cigarette smoke contains harmful ingredients that trigger the formation of free radicals that can damage cells. Dates become a source of antioxidants. Some studies showed that dates have high antioxidant activity due to their compounds, such as carotene, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Date palm fruit juice is widely sold on the market, but date research on fruit juice is still limited. The present study was designed to evaluate the preventive effect of date palm fruit juice in lung histopathology of mice induced by cigarette smoke. Twenty-four mice were exposed to cigarette smoke and then treated with date palm juice in different doses (5, 10, and 20 ml/kg BW) daily for 14 days. On the 15th day, mice were sacrificed, and the lung organ was separated for microscopic observation. The results showed that starting a low dose of date fruit juice treatment can minimize lung damage comparable to vitamin C, based on the histopathological profile and scoring of the lung damage. These findings suggest that date juice has been proven to have a protective effect in preventing and reducing lung damage due to exposure to cigarette smoke through its antioxidant activity.</em></p> Fransiska Christianty Hawwin Elina Arizka Diana Holidah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 116 121 10.19184/joa.v1i3.1327 Formulasi Krim Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) dan Avobenzone sebagai Sediaan Tabir Surya <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p><em>Skin exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays for a long period of time can cause adverse effects on the skin such as erythema, premature aging and skin cancer so that the use of sunscreen is needed to protect the skin from UV exposure. Sunscreen is used to protect the skin from damage caused by UV exposure by absorbing and scattering UV rays that hit the skin. The study was conducted by making a formulation of guava leaf extract cream and avobenzone in a sunscreen cream preparation, evaluating physical quality, evaluating the in vitro effectiveness of sunscreen preparations including SPF,% TE, and% TP values ​​and data analysis. Sunscreen cream preparations with additional concentrations of guava leaf extract can reduce pH and spreadability, TE and TP but can increase viscosity and SPF values. Formula F3 (7%) has physical quality that meets the criteria of the expected cream preparation and can increase the effectiveness in vitro in sunscreen cream preparations and get the best results with an SPF value of 18.49 ± 1.02 which is included in the ultra protection category and a decrease in the %TE value of 0.486 ± 0.004 and a decrease in %TP of 0.158 ± 0.005 which is included in the total block category. It is recommended in further research to conduct compatibility tests and stability tests of guava leaf extract and avobenzone sunscreen cream preparations.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Siti Nurjannah Budipratiwi Wisudyaningsih Endah Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 105 115 10.19184/joa.v1i3.1394 Pengaruh Waktu Pengadukan Terhadap Sintesis Senyawa Kalkon Melalui Reaksi Kondensasi Claisen-Schmidt <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p><em>Chalcone compound is a secondary metabolite compound of the flavonoid class which has biological activity as an antibacterial. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum stirring time in the synthesis of chalcone compounds using NaOH as an alkaline catalyst through the Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction between acetophenone and benzaldehyde. The method for synthesizing chalcone compounds with stirring variations of 3 hours, 5 hours and 7 hours was carried out through three stages. The first stage is the manufacture of NaOH base catalyst. The second step is to mix acetophenone with NaOH solution to produce a nucleophilic enolate ion. The third step is to mix the enolate ion with benzaldehyde. The synthesized chalcone compound was characterized through organoleptic test, melting point test, solubility test, TLC test, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, and FTIR. The characterization results show that each chalcone compound synthesized with variations in stirring time is generally produced in the form of crystals with color values of 13, 10 and 8 as seen in standard colors, melting point 50-51oC, highly soluble in chloroform and dichloromethane, slightly soluble in ethanol and practically insoluble in distilled water. The results of the TLC showed that the Rf value of the synthesized chalcone compound was different from the Rf value of the starting material. The results of UV-Vis spectrophotometry showed that there was a maximum absorption of benzoyl compounds in the 220 nm area and showed that there was a maximum absorption of cinnamyl compounds in the area of 370-390 nm. The FTIR spectrum shows the presence of functional groups =C-H (Alkene), C-H (Aromatic), C=C (Aromatic), C=C (Alkene), and C-H (Aromatic). The synthesis results show that the most optimal stirring time is 7 hours with a percent yield of 95.112%. The results of data analysis using the one way annova test showed that H<sub>0 </sub>was rejected and H<sub>1</sub> was accepted, meaning that there was an effect of stirring time on the percent yield of the synthesized chalcone compound.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Atiqah Nur Udrika Lailatul Qodri Sri Nur Atiqah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agropharmacy 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 3 91 104 10.19184/joa.v1i3.1533