Pemberdayaan UMKM melalui Digitalisasi Pemasaran Produk olahan Kripik

Empowering SMEs through Digitalization of Marketing for Processed Chip Products


  • Ajeng Afriska Lailatul Fajriyah Program Studi Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Jember



KKN, label, brand, chips


KKN Back to Village is a Real Work Lecture (KKN) program created by the University of Jember with
the aim that students can still carry out community service in their respective villages. This activity was
carried out in order to help the government to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 which began to
enter Indonesia since March 2020. One of the themes of KKN is related to the development of community
entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19. The target partners are entrepreneurs of various kinds of chips in
the village of girlfriend hug, Megaluh sub-district, Jombang district. This KKN activity is carried out to
help entrepreneurs selling chips in developing and increasing sales targets for chips. The method used
in the implementation of this KKN is by sharing and practice. Sharing material with partners related to
things that are not widely known, namely product labels, product brands and product photos. Practices
are carried out by assisting partners in making product label designs, product brand designs, producer
identity designs, product production processes, product photos and product packaging and labeling. The
results obtained from the implementation of KKN with entrepreneurial partners selling various chips
are the existence of products with a new look and also social media to sell online so that the sales target
is exceeded. Partners feel helped by the creation of product labels that are more attractive than before.
The implementation of this KKN also produces brand names for partner products. Another result
obtained is that partners become aware of the important function of product testimonials.

