Dental Agromedis <p><strong>JPKM: DENTAL AGROMEDIS</strong><br />This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and the results that have been achieved in the field of community service, specifically focusing on the main issues in community service as follows:</p> <ol> <li>Health Education for Sustainable Development;</li> <li>Community Service, Local Food Security, Nutrition and Health;</li> <li>Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, and Design in Medicine and Health;</li> <li>Development of human resources in the field of medicine and health;</li> <li>Community empowerment and social access in the field of medicine and health;</li> <li>Village health development;</li> <li>Health promotion;</li> <li>Business applications in medicine and health;</li> <li>Student Community Services;</li> <li>Border Regions, Less Developed Regions.</li> </ol> Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Jember en-US Dental Agromedis Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Anak di Dusun Botokan, Sendangrejo, Minggir, Sleman <p align="jusify">Public awareness of dental and oral health in Indonesia is still very low, which can be measured by the number of people who go to the dentist when they have problems with their teeth and mouth. The purpose of this activity was to increase knowledge about dental and oral health in children to prevent increasing dental and oral health problems in Dusun Botokan, Desa Sendangrejo. This community service method consisted of four stages of activity, namely on the first day counseling on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), then on the 2nd day the practice of PHBS was carried out which was explained on the first day. On the 3rd activity, there was counseling on Dental and Oral Health, then on the 4th day, Dental and Oral Health practices were carried out and distribution of free toothbrushes and toothpaste. The results of this service showed an increase in children's knowledge about clean and healthy living behavior by 58% and knowledge of maintaining oral hygiene by 52% and there was an increase in brushing teeth and hand washing skills by 100% (31 children).<br /><strong>Keywords</strong>: dental and oral health; PHBS; preventive</p> Urmila Syifa Kurniawan Nevlein Syavira Akmalia Naufal Hanif Syah Novildan Dwi Aji Nugroho Sartika Puspita Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 1 7 Edukasi dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gigi Anak Usia Dini di Dusun Gayasan Kecamatan Jenggawah Kabupaten Jember <p align="justify">Early childhood is a vulnerable group for dental and oral health. Children at an early age are in the process of growth and development, and need attention and assistance from their parents in maintaining healthy teeth. The PKM-PM UNEJ aims to 1) increase knowledge about maintaining dental health for parents and early childhood; and 2) conduct dental health check-ups for early childhood. Implementation of activities is carried out by providing modules, practices, and questionnaires to measure target knowledge. The main potential of early childhood dental education and examination in Gayasan Hamlet, Jenggawah Village, Jember Regency is that early childhood can understand proper and correct tooth brushing techniques and methods accompanied by their parents. Partners are very enthusiastic and support PKM-PM activities. Next, partners really hope to be able to realize family dental health by preventing caries from an early age to support children's growth and development.<br><strong>Keywords</strong>: early childhood, developmental disorders, dental health</p> Amara Kanya Maharan Tsabitah Salsabil Aqilah Syafiya Zata Yumni Liesna Lusyana Nur Banun Kusumawardani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 8 15 Pencegahan Karies Gigi pada Anak Padukuhan Nglambur Kelurahan Sidoharjo Kecamatan Samigaluh (DENSITY 2023) <p align="justify">Dental and oral health is very important and fundamental, if it is not treated it can cause problems both locally and generally. Awareness to be able to apply a healthy lifestyle is needed in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Counseling and community service is one of the most important preventive efforts. Dental Emergency Social Charity (DENSITY) is a community service program organized by dental emergency (DENMER) which is a student activity unit for the Department of Dentistry (UKMJ) Faculty of Dentistry UMY. The purpose of this activity is to prevent an increase in the number of dental and oral health problems in Indonesia, especially dental caries. This activity was carried out in the Nglambur hamlet, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The target of this activity is children and adults. The method of this activity is counseling and prevention of dental caries in children, namely the topical application of fluoride and fissure sealant. The results of the service showed that there was an increase in participants' knowledge about dental and oral health. Based on the pretest, an average value of 65.3 was obtained. After the counseling was carried out, there was an increase in the post- test average score for correct answers, which was 80 and there were 10 participants with all correct answers. The conclusion of the results of this community service is that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of the service participants regarding dental and oral health.<br><strong>Keywords</strong>: Caries, Dental and oral health, Preventive.</p> Bayu Ananda Paryontri Wustha Farani Sartika Puspita Indah Komala Dewi Aisyah Salsabila Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 16 22 Upaya Budidaya Ikan Skala Rumah Tangga (Budikruta) Untuk Menurunkan Angka Stunting di Desa Bangsalsari <p align="justify">Reducing Stunting Rate is a priority health program nationally. The stunting rate in Bangsalsari District is the 5 highest in Jember Regency. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the factors that increased the stunting rate, as a result of economic problems in the community. Low family welfare and limited knowledge are the causes of difficulty in fulfilling family nutrition in a balanced manner. Lack of protein and calcium has an impact on the health of pregnant women and toddlers, malnourished toddlers, BBLR, is one of the factors causing stunting. The potential of natural resources, the background of the community as farmers and agroclimate conditions in Bangsalsari Village are potentials that can be utilized for the fulfillment of family nutrition independently, namely by household-scale fish farming (budikruta). Budikruta aimed to increase household income and increase protein and calcium intake for families. The targets of this program are housewives, posyandu cadres and stunting toddlers. This program will improve the nutritional status of stunting toddlers through the main Budikruta program, with companion programs independent toddler health monitoring training, Safe, Healthy, Simple, Whole, and Halal food processing training, supplementary feeding and increasing maternal awareness to maintain family health. There is an increase in the weight and height of stunted toddlers after this activity. The participation of all elements of society is needed to ensure the sustainability of the program.<br><strong>Keywords</strong>: Fish cultivation, Nutrition, Toddler, Stunting</p> Rendra C.Prasetya Nadie Fatimatuzzahro Dwi K.Apriyono Miftahul Choiron Amandia D.P.Shita Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 23 29 Promosi Dan Prevensi Penyakit Gigi Dan Mulut Masyarakat Di Desa Bandilan Kabupaten Bondowoso <p align="justify">Bandilan Village is one of the underdeveloped villages in Bondowoso Regency. This village has always been a special concern of the district and provincial governments. As a fostered village of the University of Jember, one of the efforts to increase knowledge and oral health needs to be community service activities in the form of counseling and dental and oral health services. This activity can provide and overcome dental and oral health problems in the local community, especially those who have dental and oral disease problems that are delayed for treatment due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The method used in carrying out this community service activity is in the form of counseling and education on how to perform and maintain oral hygiene, followed by services in the form of treatment for dental and oral diseases. The results of this activity are being able to improve skills in maintaining cleanliness and oral health independently, especially in children from an early age. Meanwhile, simple dental and oral disease services can overcome dental and oral health problems that are complained by the surrounding community so that they do not continue to become complex dental and oral health problems.<br /><strong>Keywords</strong>: Bandilan Bondowoso, Counseling, Services, Dental, Oral and health.</p> Dyah Indartin Setyowati Masniari Novita Sri Hernawati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 30 37 Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi di Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA) Kawashima, Jepang sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ukhuwah Muslim Indonesia <p align="justify">Kawashima is a city in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. The worship activities carried out at the Kawashima prayer room include congregational prayers, namely Friday prayers, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayers and Al-Quran Education Park (TPA) activities for children. The number of children who took part in this activity was around 20 people, who were the sons and daughters of an Indonesian couple and an Indonesian-Japanese couple living in Kawashima. The problems faced by service target partners are language and infrastructure constraints. The majority of the Japanese population does not speak English. Likewise, Indonesian citizens in Japan are not fluent in English. Even though Indonesian citizens living in Japan are able to speak Japanese, this language is not the mother tongue of Indonesian citizens, so that it is possible to be constrained by a language barrier in communicating. This is a consideration for Indonesian citizens in communicating and accessing facilities that involve interaction with Japanese citizens, including in this case education regarding children's dental health. This is the background for the UMY court team to provide dental health education to children through TPA activities at the Kawashima prayer room. The educational method used is counseling using video media with the Indonesian language of instruction. The results of counseling show that there is an increase in knowledge of dental and oral health of parents before and after counseling.<br><strong>Keywords</strong>: Education, Japan, Dental and oral health, Indonesian Muslims, Qur'an Education Park, TPA</p> Dian Yosi Arinawati Nyka Dwi Febria Afryla Femilian Nadiya Putri Maharani Sholahuddin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 38 46 Cover Dental Agromedis Volume 1 No 1 (2023) Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1 Daftar Isi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 1 1