Ensuring Rights to Use Safe Food of Consumers
Access to International Law and Vietnamese Law
The right to safe food is one of the most important fundamental rights of consumers. This is an issue directly related to human health and life, the maintenance and development of the race as well as the process of international development and integration. Ensuring food safety is currently a topic that has been paid attention to internationally as well as nationally. On a global scale, food safety issues are concerned and controlled by the world community through many signed international agreements and conventions on ensuring food hygiene and safety. In Vietnam, food safety is one of the most urgent issues in the context of economic development and world integration, which is concerned by the whole society. Although the Vietnamese Government has gradually improved the legal system regulating food safety, the situation of violations of the law on food safety is still quite complicated. The article analyzes, clearly indicates the need to ensure the right to food safety of consumers, and at the same time analyzes the provisions of international law and Vietnamese law on people's right to ensure food safety. From there, propose recommendations to countries to improve efficiency in ensuring food safety for consumers.