Pencegahan Tuberkulosis pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Al - Azhar Jember melalui Edukasi dengan Metode Komunikasi Antarpribadi (KAP)
KAP, Santri, TuberculosisAbstract
Background: Tuberculosis is an airborne infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia has over 724,000 newly identified tuberculosis cases in 2022, with this number increasing to 809,000 cases in 2023. Jember Regency is one of the three regions with the highest tuberculosis detection rates, recording 5,244 cases. One of the contributing factors to the occurrence of tuberculosis is the influence of environmental factors, particularly among populations with poor hygiene. One example of a densely populated environment is a pesantren (Islamic boarding school). Method: Education on tuberculosis prevention using Interpersonal Communication (KAP) techniques is a form of outreach aimed at reducing tuberculosis incidence and increasing awareness and commitment among Santri to maintain their health. This method is conducted with a low-media approach. The educational activity was conducted with the santri of Al-Azhar Pesantren in Jember, targeting 60 individuals. Results: The results of this activity showed active participation from the participants in expressing their opinions and a commitment from the santri to prevent the transmission of tuberculosis by maintaining cleanliness in the pesantren environment. Conclusion: Effective interpersonal communication, such as the KAP approach, plays a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting preventive measures against tuberculosis, as demonstrated in the activities conducted at Al-Azhar Pesantren in Jember.