e-Proceeding2024-12-10T09:13:27+07:00Rumah Journal Systems & Editorial Board2024-12-09T13:23:46+07:002024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Content2024-12-09T13:19:47+07:002024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 PHBS Rumah Tangga sebagai Pilar Pencegahan Penyakit di Desa Paluh Sibaji 2024-12-09T15:27:29+07:00Sri Malem Andrey Tiara Rizka<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Minimal PHBS has the potential to cause disease and is one of the pillars of preventing infectious and non-communicable diseases. PHBS in Paluh Sibaji village cannot be implemented thoroughly due to limited environmental sanitation facilities. <strong>Methods:</strong> Community empowerment is implemented through atmosphere building, FGDs, socialization and education, monitoring and evaluation. The targets of this service are 30 households in Dusun IV Paluh Sibaji Village. <strong>Results:</strong> 70% of households are assisted by health workers during childbirth, 50% provide exclusive breastfeeding, weigh children, apply HWWS, consume vegetables, and are smoke-free. In addition, 60% use clean water and healthy latrines, 50% eradicate mosquito larvae, and 60% do physical activity. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The achievement of indicators that have met the Ministry of Health standards is childbirth assisted by health personnel, while the other 9 indicators are still below the standard.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Interprofesional Dalam Upaya Implementasi Program Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja - Return to Work di Kabupaten Lumajang 2024-12-09T15:44:26+07:00Anggun Puspita Dewianggunbudiono90@gmail.comDesi Hari<p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>Work accidents encompass incidents that arise from work-related activities, including accidents during commutes or illnesses linked to the work environment. As of May 2024, East Java has reported a total of 24,771 cases of work-related accidents. Workers who suffer from such illnesses or accidents frequently encounter challenges such as discrimination and wrongful termination. However, these issues can be addressed through the Work Accident Insurance - Return to Work program.<strong> Method: </strong>To address these issues, we supplied information to around 50 companies through certified seminars led by three expert speakers: occupational health specialists, labor inspectors from the Lumajang District Manpower Office, and the Case Manager from the Jember Branch of the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS). The seminars blended lectures and discussions, fostering interactive engagement with the presenters.<strong> Results: </strong>A total of 45 participants attended the workshop. The outcomes of the seminar activities, designed as community service, reflected a strong enthusiasm among participants from companies and representatives from various agencies in the Lumajang Regency area. They recognized the importance of the Work Accident Insurance - Return to Work (JKK-RTW) program for companies and their employees. Understanding the JKK-RTW program and the effective execution of roles by key stakeholders—including BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, the Manpower Office, healthcare facilities, and employers—are crucial for the program's success. The objective is to ensure that workers who experience job-related accidents or occupational diseases can swiftly return to work. Companies' support for implementing the JKK-RTW program is demonstrated by their adherence to the regulations, requirements, and procedures established by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The success of the JKK - RTW program hinges on the commitment of various entities, including BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, the Manpower Office, healthcare providers, and employers, to fulfill their respective roles and adhere to the established procedures</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Peran Kader Peduli Diare Melalui Capacity Building Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Diare pada Balita di Desa Sabrang, Ambulu2024-12-09T15:51:25+07:00Tazqia Qurrota ‘Ainitazqiaaini@gmail.comAisyah Dewantika Santoso Putritazqiaaini@gmail.comNandini Berliana Mulazamahtazqiaaini@gmail.comCindy Puspitasaritazqiaaini@gmail.comSinta Arfianitazqiaaini@gmail.comAdinda Yumna Nurul Ismahtazqiaaini@gmail.comAmanda Marlita Primastutitazqiaaini@gmail.comSania Salsabilatazqiaaini@gmail.comYessinia Hanatha Pashatazqiaaini@gmail.comFani Lailatul Rochmahtazqiaaini@gmail.comDewi<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death for toddlers worldwide. In 2023, Sabrang health center especially Sabrang Village reported 506 cases of diarrhea, indicating a high incidence in the area. As a result, intervention efforts are necessary to reduce the number of diarrhea cases in Sabrang Village; <strong>Method:</strong> This series of activities began with the establishment of diarrhea care teams and continued with capacity-building activities for diarrhea care team members. Evaluation of the activities was conducted using pre-test and post-test methods; <strong>Results:</strong> The diarrhea care cadres are formed based on a democratically agreed management arrangement. Additionally, capacity building activities are conducted to further develop the diarrhea care cadres, resulting in an increase in cadre knowledge from 75% to 83.5% based on the results of pre-test and post-test evaluations; and <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This community service activity is effective in increasing the understanding and knowledge of diarrhea care providers related to diarrhea and food sanitation hygiene. However, there is still a need to strengthen the material regarding the prevention mechanisms of diarrhea</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 UNEJ e-Proceeding Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi Melalui Literasi Pengolahan yang Tepat di Instalasi Gizi RS X Jember2024-12-09T16:08:24+07:00Annisa Nur Candrika Trisna’ Kholifatu Qurrota A’ Fairuz Safira Putri Diah Wahyu Nur<p><em>The implementation of hospital food is a series of activities ranging from menu planning, food needs planning, budget planning, food procurement, receipt and storage, food food cooking, distribution and recording, reporting and evaluation. Based on the results of the situation analysis, in the series of food service activities at the Nutrition Installation at RS X in Jember, several problems can be found. The purpose of this activity is that the target can understand about hygiene and sanitation, proper and correct food processing, and know how bacteria cause disease in food and the effects of food poisoning. CEMAS GILA (Create Healthy and Nutritious Food through Proper Processing) is a nutrition education socialization program regarding proper and correct food processing, food hazards and hygiene and sanitation of food handlers which was held on Sunday, September 8, 2024 in the Nutrition Installation department room of RS X in Jember. This activity was attended by 100% of the number of invitees and the results showed that the participants' knowledge increased by 16.7%. This figure has reached the planned target of 15%, so it can be said that the increase in knowledge was successful</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bangga Bebas Rokok dan Narkoba di SMPS Mitra Slawu dengan Metode dan Media Terintegrasi2024-12-09T16:28:06+07:00Novia Martiana Anjani Ninda Ali<p><em>significant problem in Indonesia. Prevention efforts integrating multiple methods and media are needed to change knowledge and attitudes. <strong>Method</strong>: This activity was conducted using lectures, discussions, image guessing games, emo-demo, and media such as presentation slides, image slides, and educational vieos. Data were analyzed descriptively and using the Wilcoxon test. <strong>Results</strong>: There was an increase in students' attitudes toward the dangers of smoking and drug abuse, with a descriptive increase of 47.31 and a Wilcoxon test result (p < 0.001). However, there was no significant increase in knowledge. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Counselling that integrates several methods, including lectures, discussions, image guessing games, emo-demo, and media such as presentation slides, image slides, educational videos, and emo-demo media, can significantly improve attitudes toward the dangers of smoking and drug abuse. Academics and practitioners can utilize the integration of various methods and media to enhance adolescents' attitudes toward the risks of smoking and drug abuse</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan tentang Tekanan Darah dan Kadar Gula Darah pada Masyarakat Pesisir Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember 2024-12-09T16:38:33+07:00Krish Naufal Anugrah Ma’ Meilinda Kadek Emi Sintha<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus, pose significant public health challenges in Indonesia, particularly in coastal areas like Puger Kulon Village, Jember. The low knowledge of early detection of NCDs increases the risk of serious complications, including coronary heart disease and stroke. Therefore, this community service activity is essential to raise public knowledge regarding the early detection of hypertension and diabetes. <strong>Methods:</strong> The activities were carried out through blood pressure and blood glucose level screenings, accompanied by health education sessions for the community. A total of 43 respondents participated in the health screening, and pre- and post-activity surveys were used to measure the effectiveness of the provided education. <strong>Results:</strong> The results indicated a significant increase in community knowledge about the importance of screening for hypertension and diabetes, as well as their understanding of the risks associated with NCD complications. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This community service activity successfully enhanced public knowledge about the importance of early detection of NCDs and risk management. Regular health screenings and collaboration with local health centers are necessary to ensure the sustainability of health interventions.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pangan Beragam Bergizi Seimbang dan Aman serta Demonstrasi Penyusunan Menu Makanan di Desa Sukorejo2024-12-10T08:05:01+07:00Sinta Arfianisintaarfiani9876@gmail.comHanifatul Ummah Maulidiyahsintaarfiani9876@gmail.comGriselda Ardelia Hibatullahsintaarfiani9876@gmail.comAulia Nadhirasintaarfiani9876@gmail.comBilqis Hadiqotun Nuhasintaarfiani9876@gmail.comNadia Nur Sadiyahsintaarfiani9876@gmail.comMuhammad Azirul Afif Alviantosintaarfiani9876@gmail.comLaudil Machfud Al Azizsintaarfiani9876@gmail.comOlivia Farhana Bahanansintaarfiani9876@gmail.comAdinda Aprilia Putrisintaarfiani9876@gmail.comTri Damayanti<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Stunting is a significant issue in Indonesia that needs serious treatment. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is still high, including in East Java and Jember Regency. Nutritional education and health promotion are important efforts to prevent stunting. <strong>Method:</strong> Activities on diverse, balanced, and safe food education, as well as demonstrations on meal planning, were conducted at the Sukorejo Village Hall in January 2024 using a Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach through interactive lectures/socialization and meal planning practice. The activity targeted 25 participants, consisting of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Monitoring and support were provided online via a WhatsApp Group. <strong>Results:</strong> This activity increased participants' knowledge by 9.4% (from 75% of pretest to 84% of post-test questions answered correctly) after the socialization and demonstration. The active participation of participants in the activities indicated increased awareness and knowledge about nutritional needs to prevent stunting. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The educational activity on food and meal planning demonstrations effectively improved the knowledge and skills of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in Sukorejo Village. This program should be continued with ongoing support to ensure the application of the acquired knowledge</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LEBAY: Inovasi MP ASI dari Ikan Lele dan Bayam, Solusi Cerdas untuk Cegah Stunting pada Anak 2024-12-10T08:13:39+07:00Faadila Iftinan Firdausiftinanfaadila@gmail.comSherli Noni Korneliaiftinanfaadila@gmail.comJelita Sariiftinanfaadila@gmail.comAmienia Fajar Amanatiiftinanfaadila@gmail.comSecharani Adzkiyaiftinanfaadila@gmail.comNasywa Zuriah Salsabilathifaiftinanfaadila@gmail.comPinaka Dya Ivenaiftinanfaadila@gmail.comFernanda Nur Azzahraiftinanfaadila@gmail.comMargaretha Putri<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Stunting in Indonesia is still a major nutritional problem experienced by infants and toddlers. The problem of stunting is also one of the problems faced by Krajan Glagahwero Village, Panti District, Jember Regency. This is because the village has a stunting prevalence rate that is quite alarming so it is necessary to implement a sustainable program that focuses on reducing the prevalence of stunting in Krajan Glagahwero Village, one of which is through the right complementary food program for toddlers. This community service aims to introduce the “LeBay” complementary food innovation which can be one way to prevent stunting in children and increase mothers' knowledge regarding the importance of good and correct complementary food. <strong>Methods:</strong> This community service uses a one group pretest posttest experimental method and counseling to the PKK group in Krajan Glagahwero Village with 16 respondents. Other methods used during community service activities are complementary food education and direct demonstration of the process of making complementary food. <strong>Results:</strong> From the results of the community empowerment carried out, it shows an increase in respondents' knowledge as shown by the results of the pretest and posttest which have increased the number of correct answers. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The delivery of education can be well received, it can be seen from the increase in knowledge shown. Demonstration activities for making complementary food made from catfish and spinach vegetables were carried out to show that local food ingredients can be utilized as complementary food ingredients and have the potential to prevent stunting in children</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Potensi Lokal untuk Gizi Seimbang: Program Edukasi Inovasi Cilelor (Cilok Lele Kelor) di Glagahwero2024-12-10T08:46:32+07:00Disya Nasywa Amaliadisyanasywa@gmail.comSyafiqa Fithri Azzahradisyanasywa@gmail.comAdini Rizkia Ramadhanidisyanasywa@gmail.comNovita Cahya Kinantidisyanasywa@gmail.comLolita Deviliadisyanasywa@gmail.comPutri Alifah Salsabiladisyanasywa@gmail.comSofi Bunga Tanziliadisyanasywa@gmail.comReva Auliya Qurrota A'yundisyanasywa@gmail.comKarina Mulia<p><strong><em>Background</em></strong><em>: Stunting and anemia are major nutritional problems, both in Indonesia and around the world. The condition of the body of a stunted toddler is characterized by a failure to grow due to chronic malnutrition. Efforts are needed to overcome these problems through the fulfillment of nutrient intake by utilizing local foods in the form of moringa leaves and catfish as natural ingredients that are rich in nutrients. This activity aims to educate the people of Glagahwero Village, Panti District, Jember Regency regarding healthy snack innovations that are beneficial to the community. <strong>Method</strong>: This community service activity consists of several series of activities, namely providing education using power point (PPT) media and pamphlets, cooking demonstrations carried out by several participants/communities, and filling out pre-test and post-test sheets to measure community knowledge related to the material that has been presented. <strong>Results</strong>: The results of the pre-test and post-test showed an increase in the number of mothers under five who answered the pre-test and post-test questions correctly. The increase in the number of mothers under five who answered correctly occurred most in knowledge about snacks to prevent stunting and anemia. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: This community service activity can increase public knowledge about the importance of fulfilling balanced nutrition and the importance of providing healthy snacks, through healthy snack innovations in the form of Cilelor (Cilok Lele Kelor) to overcome the problem of stunting and anemia in the Galagahwero community</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Stunting melalui Kegiatan Edukasi dan Demonstrasi Pembuatan PMT pada Kader Posyandu2024-12-10T09:13:27+07:00Devi Shal Syabiladevishalsyabila17@gmail.comFazila Apriyashadevishalsyabila17@gmail.comKrisniawatidevishalsyabila17@gmail.comLeiyda Tara Ayu Sekar Wangidevishalsyabila17@gmail.comMaydiva Syahbiladevishalsyabila17@gmail.comRifa Salsabila Pratiwidevishalsyabila17@gmail.comSaddam Qolbi Yusufdevishalsyabila17@gmail.comWahyu Diah Pratiwidevishalsyabila17@gmail.comZhafira Zherlinda Zhenjaya Putri,devishalsyabila17@gmail.comSania Salsabiladevishalsyabila17@gmail.comAbu Khoiri<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> The stunting rate in Indonesia, based on the 2022 SSGI data, remains at 21.6%, failing to meet the national target of 14% and the global target of less than 20%. According to the 2022 SSGI data, the prevalence of stunting is still at 19.2%. Jember Regency has the highest prevalence of stunting among the 38 regencies/cities in East Java. Children who experience stunting are more likely to have delays in cognitive development, which affects their learning abilities and academic performance. <strong>Methode:</strong> The intervention activities to address stunting include presentations, discussions, demonstrations, and the provision of innovative supplementary feeding menus (PMT) in Sabrang Village. <strong>Results:</strong> The PMT education aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of the cadres, as indicated by the pre-test and post-test results. The knowledge of the target group improved significantly, rising from 10% to 28%. Additionally, the demonstration activities received a high level of enthusiasm from the cadres. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This intervention activity is considered quite effective because it can increase the knowledge and skills of the targets. It is hoped that these activities will serve as an intervention effort against stunting in Sabrang Village by educating on the importance of PMT and demonstrating how to prepare PMT.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Peran Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Peningkatan Efisiensi Pelayanan di RSD Dr. Soebandi Pratama Biana Yuniar<p align="justify"><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> Efficiency is essential to hospital performance, and efficiency is the main requirement for hospitals to survive in the JKN era. Social Health Insurance Administration Body claims that operational costs are insufficient—current conditions at RSD dr. Soebandi could be more efficient, as seen from the revenue target, which only achieved 86%. The activity aims to increase knowledge and insight for managers in service efficiency strategies at RSD dr. Soebandi. <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> seminar followed by discussion and questions and answers. This community service activity targets managers (heads of divisions/sections, heads of sections/sub-divisions, and heads of service units/work units). There are three activity methods: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation stages start with arranging permits from the campus to Bakesbangpol Jember and the dr. Soebandi Jember Regional Hospital. The implementation stages include providing material about basic concepts of efficiency and efficiency strategies in hospitals. The success indicators' evaluation stages are the Adequacy of Performance value and timeliness. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> Outreach activities with discussions, questions, and answers about efficiency strategies in hospital services went according to plan, and participants were enthusiastic. Evaluation results: Effectiveness score of 121% with a mean pre-test score of 68 and post-test of 82, and an Adequacy of Performances score of 120% with a target of 25 participants, but 27 people attended, and three hospital deputy directors attended the activity. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> The activity was declared victorious, according to the hospital's needs, and provided significant benefits for implementation in the hospital.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Literasi Kesehatan Remaja Putri dalam Pemberantasan Anemia sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Tangsil Kulon Bondowoso2024-12-09T16:31:48+07:00Qisma Farah Aliffiyah Aprilina Aulia<p align="justify"><em><strong>Backgorund:</strong> </em>Stunting remains a global issue in Indonesia. Bondowoso is among the regencies with the highest prevalence of stunting in East Java, with 17 villages designated as focal points for stunting prevention and management, one of which is Tangsil Kulon. The number of stunted children in Tangsil Kulon has reached 43 toddlers. The primary causes of stunting in Tangsil Kulon are pregnant women experiencing anemia and the low intake of iron tablets and nutritious food among adolescent girls. Therefore, it is crucial to raise public awareness, particularly among teenage girls, about stunting in Tangsil Kulon by implementing health literacy. <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> This activity was carried out using lecture methods, product creation, and demonstration. <em><strong>Result:</strong></em> The results showed that participants' knowledge increased by more than 40%. Additionally. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> It can be concluded that the intervention efforts were effective in improving knowledge through the application of health literacy.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Metode Permainan Interaktif ‘Match-Up’ untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Siswi MTs Fathul Mu’in2024-12-09T16:26:47+07:00Amirul Ayu Salsabillahsalsaayu904@gmail.comBerliana Ramadhanisalsaayu904@gmail.comSeptiana Sharanisalsaayu904@gmail.comLaura Khusnul Khotimahsalsaayu904@gmail.comCristania Velia Beliasalsaayu904@gmail.comElsa Puji Tri Maenisalsaayu904@gmail.comMohammad Kautsar Kamilsalsaayu904@gmail.comAnggun Putri Wulandarisalsaayu904@gmail.comLaela Vita<p align="justify"><em><strong>Background:</strong> </em>One of the problems faced by MTs Fathul Mu'in in this study is the reproductive health learning methods that tend to be passive, in the form of conventional lectures, which do not involve students actively. This causes students to have difficulty understanding and remembering the information presented. Based on identifying this problem, innovation is needed in learning methods that can improve students' understanding of reproductive health in a more interactive and interesting way. <em><strong>Method:</strong> </em>Games match-up can be used as a learning media that is quite effective and Interactive for students because it involves the role of students in remembering the material that has been delivered before. In the match-up game, students must match the pictures that match the questions made by the researcher. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> The evaluation conducted after counseling showed a significant increase in adolescents' knowledge and attitudes about KRR. This is evidenced by the results of the pre-test and post-test which show the achievement of success in 80% of aspects with a significance of p-value < 0.05. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> The Match-Up games is an effective way for reproductive health education, so it is hoped that this game can be an alternative learning media to increase adolescents' knowledge about reproductive health which is packaged as more interesting and fun.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Stunting dengan Konseling 1000 HPK pada Calon Pengantin di Puskesmas Tenggarang Kabupaten Bondowoso2024-12-09T16:21:59+07:00Sari Indah<p align="justify"><strong>Background:</strong> Nutrition problems in Indonesia remain a major challenge that impacts the quality of human resources, with one of the main issues being stunting. Stunting occurs as a result of chronic malnutrition that lasts from the pre-pregnancy period to the first 1000 days of life (HPK) so that the preconception period, especially the nutrition of prospective pregnant women, needs to be considered to prepare nutrition during pregnancy. One of the efforts needed to increase the knowledge of pregnant women related to nutrition in 100 HPK is through counseling activities for brides-to-be. <em><strong>Methods:</strong> </em>Counseling was carried out on 10 couples of brides-to-be who were domiciled in the working area of the Tenggarang Health Center of Bondowoso Regency using flip sheet media. The results of the consultation were evaluated using pre-test and post-test questionnaires. <em><strong>Results:</strong> </em>All prospective surrogates received counseling and there was an increase in knowledge about stunting and 1000 HPK in prospective grooms and prospective brides. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> In general, counseling activities run smoothly and can be one of the efforts to prevent stunting so it is expected to continue to be carried out programmatically.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pengetahuan Gizi Ibu Hamil Melalui Kelas Ibu Hamil Metode Audio Visual dan Demontrasi Penimbangan serta Pengaturan Porsi Makan Ibu Hamil di Kecamatan Maesan2024-12-09T16:18:57+07:00Andhini Yulli Hapsariandhini.wibowo@gmail.comAna Nurul Mudzakiyahandhini.wibowo@gmail.comSonyatania<p align="justify"><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> Nutritional intake of pregnant women during pregnancy has an important role in supporting the health of mothers and babies. The Maternal and Child Health Book (KIA) is a source of information about nutrition for pregnant women, but it is often underutilized optimally. Counseling in antenatal care (ANC) services is also often considered ineffective. The pregnant women class is present as a forum for education, discussion, and sharing experiences about maternal and child health. <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> The participants of the activity consisted of 10 pregnant women in the Maesan Health Center work area. The activity was carried out through several methods, such as lectures, video screenings, comic readings, discussions and demonstrations of weighing practices and the regulation of meal portions for pregnant women. <strong><em>Results:</em></strong> This activity succeeded in significantly increasing pregnant women's knowledge about nutrition and anaemia after the intervention compared to before the intervention. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> Education through pregnant women's classes has been proven to be effective in increasing pregnant women's knowledge related to nutrition and anemia. Most participants showed a better understanding of nutritional needs during pregnancy after taking this class.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kader Posyandu Balita Dalam Penyiapan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Lokal Bagi Balita Gizi Kurang di Wilayah Puskesmas Kotakulon Bondowoso2024-12-09T16:03:43+07:00Fransiska<p align="justify"><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> Nutrition problems in infants and toddlers remain a major focus that needs to be addressed and are still a serious problem in Indonesia. Malnutrition in infants and toddlers is one of the main causes of death, the emergence of disease infections, and disability. Toddler Posyandu cadres act as liaisons between health workers and stakeholders who have the ability to recognize and meet public health needs. In addition, Posyandu Toddler cadres can provide information to health workers, understand and respond to community needs, mobilize local resources, advocate for the community, and increase local capacity. This service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Toddler Posyandu Cadres in preparing and implementing the provision of additional food (PMT) made from local ingredients for toddlers who experience malnutrition status so that nutritional problems can be overcome. <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> The form of service activities carried out is through training, which consists of lecture methods and cooking demonstrations. The training participants were 12 Posyandu Toddler Cadres from the Kotakulon Health Center area, consisting of 4 cadres from Kotakulon Village, 4 cadres from Blindungan Village, and 4 cadres from Dabasah Village. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> The results of the activity showed that the training provided to the Toddler Posyandu Cadres was able to improve their knowledge and skills, especially in providing nutrition education to mothers of toddlers, especially mothers of toddlers with undernourished status who received PMT. This is very important because mothers have a major role in childcare. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> </em>The success of the locally-made PMT program for toddlers is less dependent on several factors, such as the right target selection, the correct way to administer PMT, and the appropriate time to administer PMT. In addition, the involvement of human resources such as village midwives, nutritionists, and health cadres is very important. Officers are responsible for ensuring that the implementation, monitoring, and recording of the PMT program runs well.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Berbasis Edutainment pada Anak Usia Sekolah Kelompok Majelis Sholawat Mansub2024-12-09T15:54:45+07:00Aldy Wahyu Ma’ Trirahayu Kamilah Falabiba ‘A’ Maharani Suwita<p align="justify"><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> Health promotion on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) is an effort to improve the health of the community that needs to be given early at school age. This aims to increase awareness of healthy behavior so that the quality of life at the individual and community levels can be improved. The Mansub Sholawat Assembly group consists of several age groups in which there is the right school age to be given PHBS health promotion as a form of habituating healthy behavior. <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> This activity was carried out using the edutainment method which included lectures, simulations, discussions, and games on 56 students of hadrah education in the Majelis Sholawat Mansub and Ratibul Hadad groups. The indicator of the success of this activity was the increase in knowledge and skills of participants which were measured using pre-test, post-test, and observation sheet instruments. <strong><em>Results:</em></strong> Measurement of the level of participant knowledge showed that there was an increase in the average score of participants from 40.54 to 41.79 or 1.25 points (3.0%). In addition, there were 22 participants (39.29%) who experienced an increase in their scores with an average increase in their scores of 19.82 points. Five participants have been able to practice and sort the puzzle of the steps of washing hands with soap and running water, as well as participants who are able to sort waste according to its type. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> This activity is able to improve the knowledge and skills of participants in carrying out clean and healthy living behaviors (CTPS and waste sorting).</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Promosi Kesehatan melalui Pemerakit (Penguatan Peran Kader Sebagai Promotor Kesehatan dengan Media Kit)2024-12-09T15:45:58+07:00Sheilomitha Anjani Nugrohoamandamarlita25@gmail.comAnita Dewi Prahastuti Sujosoamandamarlita25@gmail.comMutiara Puspita Dewiamandamarlita25@gmail.comKhalila Fadliyah Chairunisaamandamarlita25@gmail.comIntan Prihatiningrumamandamarlita25@gmail.comAldy Wahyu Nugrohoamandamarlita25@gmail.comAdilla Yuniarthaamandamarlita25@gmail.comNyuwandari Ardelia Wardaniamandamarlita25@gmail.comAmanda Marlita Primastutiamandamarlita25@gmail.comMaheswari Faizah Winadiyantiamandamarlita25@gmail.comOktavia Catur<p align="justify"><em><strong>Backgorund</strong><strong>:</strong> </em>Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children caused by a long-term lack of nutrition, which has an impact not only on physical growth but also on children’s cognitive development. Efforts to overcome the prevalence of stunting, which reached 19.2% in East Java Province and 34.9% in Jember Regency by 2022, were carried out by strengthening the role of cadres as health promoters with media kits (PEMERAKIT) in Karangpring Village. This activity aims to increase the capacity of posyandu cadres in providing nutrition education and good parenting patterns to the community. <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> PEMERAKIT activity was carried out targeting cadres from 13 posyandu in Karangpring Village, Sukorambi District, Jember Regency. PEMERAKIT activity was carried out on Monday, January 22 2024 through the use of flash cards and MPASI recipe books based on local food ingredients. <em><strong>Result:</strong></em> PEMERAKIT succeeded in increasing community knowledge and participation in stunting prevention. Apart from that, PEMERAKIT showed the importance of the role of posyandu cadres as health promoters in the community. <em><strong>Conclusions:</strong></em> PEMERAKIT have succeeded in increasing the capacity of posyandu cadres in providing health education related to nutrition and good parenting patterns to the community</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tuberkulosis pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Al - Azhar Jember melalui Edukasi dengan Metode Komunikasi Antarpribadi (KAP)2024-12-09T15:39:47+07:00Sania Salsabilasaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comDebbie Masaelsaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comIra Dwi Pawestrisaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comAisyah Dewantika Santoso Putrisaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comAlifianisa Maya Indra Cahyanisaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comMury Ririantysaniasalsabila281102@gmail.comM. Henry<p><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> Tuberculosis is an airborne infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia has over 724,000 newly identified tuberculosis cases in 2022, with this number increasing to 809,000 cases in 2023. Jember Regency is one of the three regions with the highest tuberculosis detection rates, recording 5,244 cases. One of the contributing factors to the occurrence of tuberculosis is the influence of environmental factors, particularly among populations with poor hygiene. One example of a densely populated environment is a pesantren (Islamic boarding school). <em><strong>Method:</strong></em> Education on tuberculosis prevention using Interpersonal Communication (KAP) techniques is a form of outreach aimed at reducing tuberculosis incidence and increasing awareness and commitment among Santri to maintain their health. This method is conducted with a low-media approach. The educational activity was conducted with the santri of Al-Azhar Pesantren in Jember, targeting 60 individuals. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> The results of this activity showed active participation from the participants in expressing their opinions and a commitment from the santri to prevent the transmission of tuberculosis by maintaining cleanliness in the pesantren environment. <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> </em>Effective interpersonal communication, such as the KAP approach, plays a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting preventive measures against tuberculosis, as demonstrated in the activities conducted at Al-Azhar Pesantren in Jember.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024