Dampak PT Industri Gula Glenmor (IGGG) pada Kehidupan Sosial dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Karangharjo Kabupaten Banyuwangi


  • Mahmudayana Mahmudayana Universitas Jember
  • Mahfudz Shidiq Universitas Jember


Industy, Social Impact, economic impact


Industry is one of the strategies in rural development that can improve the economy of a region. Development will have a domino effect on other aspects, especially social and economic aspects. The impact of the existence of PT Industri Sugar Glenmore brought changes to the socio-economic community. There are two social aspects, namely the change in the role of women from only in the domestic area to the public sphere and a change in behavior from collective to individual, while the economic aspect describes the availability of jobs, increased income, and increased ownership of goods or personal assets. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the impact of PT Industri Gula Glenmore on social and economic life. This research method uses qualitative. This type of research uses descriptive research. Data collection by non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique uses source triangulation. The results of this study are the social aspect is the change in the role of women from only in the domestic area to the public sphere and a change in behavior from collective to individual. In the economic aspect, the availability of employment opportunities, increasing community income, and increasing personal ownership of goods/assets in the community. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that there is liquid waste that flows into the southern area of the factory which makes the residents' wells smell bad, and the reduction of working days for plantation workers who used to work for about 15 days now only work for about 7 days.


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How to Cite

Mahmudayana, M., & Shidiq, M. (2024). Dampak PT Industri Gula Glenmor (IGGG) pada Kehidupan Sosial dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Karangharjo Kabupaten Banyuwangi. ARJASRIYA: Journal of Social Work and Welfare, 1(1), 23–30. Retrieved from https://journal.unej.ac.id/ARJASRIYA/article/view/1590


