The Open Access Policy in the Arjasriya journal refers to the decision to make all journal content available freely and at no cost to anyone who accesses it. Here's an explanation of this policy:

  1. Free Access: Arjasriya Journal ensures that anyone can freely access all articles, papers, and other journal content without the need to pay subscription fees or access fees. This means that researchers, practitioners, and the general public can easily access and utilize the knowledge presented in the journal.
  2. Promotion of Knowledge Diffusion: The implementation of an open access policy, Arjasriya Journal aims to promote and disseminate wider knowledge and ensure that the results of research and published findings are accessible to all interested parties, including researchers, field practitioners, policymakers, and the general public.
  3. Support for the Principle of Scientific Openness: Arjasriya Journal's open access policy is based on the principle of scientific openness, which prioritizes transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility in the dissemination of research results.
  4. Work License: As part of its open access policy, Arjasriya Journal may use a Creative Commons license or similar license to determine how other users may use and distribute the published work. It aims to provide readers with flexibility in using and redistributing journal content while still paying attention to copyright and appropriate attribution to the original author.
  5. Financial Sustainability: Arjasriya Journal may adopt various financial sustainability models to support open access policies, such as article processing charges, institutional support, or funding from organizations that support open access in scientific research.

By implementing this open-access policy, Arjasriya Journal contributes to the transition towards a more inclusive and open publishing system, allowing scientific knowledge to be accessed and utilized by as many people as possible worldwide.