About the Journal


Contributions, which should be original and not published elsewhere, are welcomed from educationists: both the lecturers and students in EFL education. Main articles should be between 1000 and 5000 words in length. Manuscripts for review should be sent to the Editor, EFL Education Journal, Prodi Bahasa Inggris, FKIP Jember.


  1. EFL Education Journal accepts articles on English language education which have not been published elsewhere.
  2. For publication purposes, manuscripts should be typed in MS Word doc.format, using 12 size Times New Roman fonts, one and a half spaced on A4- size paper, 7 - 20 pages in length with one soft copy
  3. Articles will be reviewed by subject reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance.
  4. Articles are to be written in essay style with subheading for each part, except for the introduction.
  5. Research report/thesis articles should contain: (a) Title; (b)Full name of contributor(s) without title(s), and Institution; (c) Abstract (max 150 words); (d) Key words; (e) Introduction without heading, that contains rationale, problems; and previous related research findings (f) Research design; (g) Research findings; (h) Pedagogical implications; (i) Conclusion and Suggestion; (j) References
  6. The references should be presented alphabetically and chronologically in APA citation style.
  7. Manuscripts (in MS word) are to be sent to EFL Education Journal submission system. Authors are required to register for user account in the journal submission system.