Focus and Scope

The Interdisciplinary Journal on Law, Social Sciences, and Humanities (IDJ) is a scientific journal which publishes original articles on the most recent knowledge, researches, or applied researches and other development in fields of academic practitioners, researchers, scientists, and consultants. IDJ is a magnificent platform to discuss interdisciplinary disciplines.

The IDJ is an academic journal jointly organized and operated by the Graduate School and the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) based out of the University of Jember. The Journal serves as an interdisciplinary arena for the academic discussion and analysis on social sciences issues in Indonesia and beyond. 

Manuscript with an interdisciplinary and empirical approach will be preferable. However, the journal will still consider the manuscript with a descriptive approach for publication as long as it provides cases and contextual discussion and uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine the cases.

This objective of this journal comes from the current context of issues within the framework of social sciences, law, and humanities that need to be discussed from various kinds of approaches. Thus, the scope of this journal covers interdisciplinary studies on social issues such as poverty, crimes, development, public policy, economy, law, gender, culture, education, and any other social realm. 

In the hope that this journal eventually serves as a platform for discussion and debate, a plurality of opinions and perspectives are also welcomed. For more information about IDJ's focus and scope, please feel free to send any inquiries to the email provided on the contact page.

In keeping with its commitment to distribute and disseminate information and knowledge to as broad an audience as possible, IDJ allows free and open access to all of its published works.