Author Guidelines


Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat is an open access scientific journal published by the Faculty of Public Health, University of Jember. All manuscript received will be reviewed by a peer-reviewed with a double anonymous peer review method. Authors who will do the script to read the writing instructions below:


  1. Process of submitting manuscript, please open the page
  2. If you don’t have an account and password, please make it first then can log in using the account and password you have created. Prepare the script according to the instructions below.
  3. The submitted script will undergo a strict editorial examination for plagiarism and writing format. Scripts that don’t pass the initial check will not proceed to the reviewer.
  4. Please download article originality form. The author must fill in the form and upload along with the script and ethical certificate of the manuscript derived from the research that has an invasive action, if the manuscript doesn’t take invasive action, then simply include a letter of research permit. Download the form in the Supporting File Menu or click
  5. The script will not be processed if it doesn’t follow the journal's minimize style and writing instructions. 



All articles submitted are in Indonesian or English. The editorial team does not provide proofreading services for English, so it is the author's responsibility. If the grammar is too bad and does not meet standards, the editorial team will not process your manuscript.

Document Organization

Make sure all the documents below are ready to be uploaded during submission:

  1. Manuscript (full article with table and graphic in the last page of article)
  2. Tittle page
  3. Article originality form
  4. Ethical clearance (for the study with invasive actions) or the research permit (for non-invasive studies)

Title Page

A separate document from the manuscript and uploaded in the section supplementary file consisting of:

  1. The title of the manuscript in Indonesian and English
  2. Full name of all author
  3. Full address and the name of the institution and postal Code of all the author
  4. Detailed information from corresponding author (name, email and telephone)


  1. Write a manuscript with a maximum of 10 pages.
  2. Use A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and format with a left margin of 30 mm, a right margin of 20 mm, a bottom margin of 20 mm, and a top margin of 30 mm.
  3. The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman font size 11 pt with single spacing.
  4. Do not use bold letters for emphasis on text.
  5. Subtitles are written in bold letters in Title Case format and aligned left aligned without underlining.
  6. Subtitles are written in bold letters in sentence case format and aligned left aligned.
  7. Foreign words or terms used are italicized.


  1. The abstract should be an informative summary of your manuscript.
  2. The abstract must follow a predetermined structure, which includes Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, with a word count of 200-250 words and several 3-5 keywords.
  3. Manuscripts in Indonesian must provide 2 types of abstracts in Indonesian and English.
  4. The abstract contains background using past tense and present tense sentences, research objectives, research methods, results and discussion, as well as conclusions using past tense sentences.


The introduction is presented in one complete article without subtitles with several paragraphs which proportion of 15-20% of the total number of articles

  1. Research background
  2. Theoretical basis (brief literature review)
  3. Gap Analysis
  4. Research purposes


Methods can be written in a proportion of 15-20% of the total number of articles

  1. Research design
  2. Research population and sample
  3. Data collection techniques and data sources
  4. Data analysis method


Results and Discussion can be written in a proportion of 60-70% of the total number of articles

  1. Data analysis results
  2. Hypothesis testing results
  3. Present with a table or graph to clarify the results
  4. Discussion is an important part of the entire article. The purpose of the discussion is to answer research problems, interpret findings, integrate research findings into existing knowledge, and formulate new theories or modify existing theories.


  1. Contains conclusions and suggestions
  2. Conclusions contain answers to research questions.
  3. Suggestions refer to research results and forms of practical action, determining to whom the advice is given.
  4. Write conclusions and suggestions in essay form, not numbers.


The acceptable contribution includes general support by the institution/institution/head both in the form of technical assistance, and financial support and or materials (including grants). Mention conflicts of interest, if any.


  1. It is recommended that citations and bibliographies use standard citation applications (Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.).
  2. Arrange references alphabetically and write in Harvard Style
  3. Write references in their entirety and only those referred to in the manuscript
  4. At least 80% of references come from SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in the form of journals or proceedings with a maximum of 5 years from the date of manuscript submission in the IKESMA Journal.
  5. Unpublished sources, such as manuscripts or personal communications, cannot be used as written references.
  6. The abstract does not contain references
  7. References in tables, figures and panels should be in numerical order according to where the item is cited in the text
  8. Libraries from online journals must include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
  9. Online materials, please quote the URL, along with the date you accessed the website


  1. Number the tables sequentially with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc.) according to the order of first quotation in the text
  2. Give each table a clear and informative title
  3. If the table comes from another publication, the source must be stated.


  1. Pictures are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc.) according to the order of the first quotation in the text
  2. The image format can be JPEG/TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. Image colors are in CMYK or RGB format.
  3. Letters, numbers, and symbols should be clear and even, and of sufficient size so that when reduced in size for publication, each item will still be clearly identifiable.
  4. If the image comes from another publication, the source must be stated
  5. The author's name and affiliation may not appear in the image


  1. Complete terms and abbreviations must be written first clearly followed by brackets, such as Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Then, just use the DOI.
  2. The abbreviations used are based on standards
  3. Weight, volume etc. should be written in standard metric


  1. Figures, both in the body of the text and in tables, should be displayed as percentages (%).
  2. Standard deviation and median should follow data analysis using averages
  3. Thousands of data using point format, for example (Rp. 123,300)
  4. Fractional data uses comma format, for example (height 172.4 cm)
  5. The significance value should be displayed for example (p = 0.006)


Each equation is written in the middle of the column and given a number written in brackets and placed at the end of the right margin. Equations must be written using the Equation Editor in MS Word or Open Office