Author Guidelines

A guide for writing articles in Historia (JH)
1. Articles submitted must be original, research-based, never published and not currently in a review process that allows them to be published in other publications.
2. Articles are written in standard Indonesian or English with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font size of 12 pts on A4 size paper using Microsoft Word format (extension .doc or .docx).
3. The systematics of the article is as follows:
    a. Title;
    b. Abstract, minimum 150 words;
    c. Keywords/Keywords (written alphabetically), at least 3 phrases;
    d. Introduction;
    e. Method;
    f. Results and Discussion;
    j. Conclusion;
    k. Reference, arranged by Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) system, you can generate it manualy. However, we'd appreciate and encourages author to using reference tools, such as Mendeley or Zotero. For Journal Historia article guidelines, you can click this link to download "Jurnal Historia" template.
4. All submitted articles will be screening plagiarism and peer-reviewed by expert reviewers, then copyedited and producted by expert journal editors team. Articles that do not comply with the provisions of the theme, format, and revision time of the article will be rejected without going through the review process.
5. Articles are sent through the OJS Historia system by registering/login through the OJS account or via email:
6. If you are having trouble when submitting your article, please contact the journal admin.