Review Process

All submissions to this journal should adhere to its topic, scope, and author rules. A submission ID number is assigned to each submitted manuscript. If you need to reach the editor, always use this number. The corresponding author is in charge of updating the co-authors on the progress of the article as it moves through the review and publication phases.

Plagiarism must not be present in any manuscripts. Before submitting the manuscript, it is advised that all authors perform a similarity check using plagiarism detection software. All manuscripts are reviewed by editors to look for overlaps with previously published works. The editor assigns reviewers after determining the scope of the work. All manuscripts are treated as confidential, and they all go through a blind review process. Each article will go through at least two (two) peer reviews before being published.

After receiving the manuscript, each reviewer has two weeks to finish their work. Editors will ultimately decide whether or not to accept an article based on reviewers' remarks. After the submission, the editor notifies the related author if they were accepted, rejected, or needed to be modified.