Focus and Scope

Journal of Soilscape and Agriculture is an peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to publishing
research conducted at local to global scale to overcome constraints to sustainable production of the
world's major crops and cropping systems with a focus on innovations that improve productivity,
soil resource use efficiencies, and environmental performance in conserving natural resources (including
soils, water, and biodiversity). Publication in this journal requires adequate benchmark data on soils,
climate, and production practices to allow replication of the reported research. This journal's objective
is to be the most authoritative source of information about prospects for meeting food demand and
the sustainable crop and soil management practices to achieve it.

The three major areas and topics covered by the journal include (soil science, environmental science, agricultural and biological science), but are not limited to: agriculture-environment-
economic nexus; agricultural mechanization; agricultural remote sensing; agronomy; carbon-neutral
agriculture; carbon sequestration; climate change; crop and soil interaction; crop ecology, crop
management; crop modelling; crop nutrition; crop quality; crop physiology; crop protection; cropping
system; farming system; food security; greenhouse gas emissions; nature-positive farming; post-
harvest technology; precision agriculture; smart agriculture; and sustainable intensification.
As an open access journal, all published articles will be freely accessible to everyone worldwide through
the OJS platform.

Article types include: original paper, short communications, reviews, highlights,
perspectives, letters to the editor, and editorials.