About Journal

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (J-SEP) starting in Volume 17 No. 3 2024 migrates from OJS 3.0.2 to OJS to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link : https://journal.unej.ac.id/index.php/JSEP.

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (J-SEP) is a peer reviewed and fully open access journal which is published by University of Jember (Unej) , contains an article about agricultural socioeconomic studies which is lifted from research result and critical study. JSEP is a media for disseminating information on the results of research and thought by lecturers, researchers, and practitioners interested in agricultural agribusiness and socio-economic progress.

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (J-SEP) is published three times a year (March, July, and November).

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (J-SEP) with registration number ISSN: 1978-5437, eISSN (ONLINE): 2356-2382 has been indexed by: SintaGarba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA)Google ScholarIndonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD)Indonesia One Search (IOS)Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)OCLC WorldCatIndex Copernicus International (ICI)Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)Cite FactorCrossRef.

This journal encompasses original research articles, reviewed articles, and short communications, including:

  • Agribusiness,
  • Agriculture,
  • Agriculture Economics,
  • Social Science,
  • Rural Development,
  • Rural Sociology,
  • Risk Management,
  • Agriculture Development,
  • Marketing Management, 
  • Human Resource Management, 
  • Strategic Management, 
  • Entrepreneurship