Author Guidelines

Download Author Guideline (Indonesian)

Journal of Biography is an open access scientific journal published by the Faculty of Public Health, University of Jember. All accepted articles will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind method. Authors who will submit manuscripts, please read the writing instructions below:


  1. To submit articles, please go to the page
  2. If you don't have an account and password, please create one first, and then you can log in using the account and password you created. Prepare the script according to the instructions below.
  3. Manuscripts submitted will undergo strict editorial checks for plagiarism and formatting. Manuscripts that do not pass the initial examination will not be forwarded to the reviewer.
  4. Please download the statement letter. For articles originating from research that have invasive procedures, the author must fill out the form and upload it together with the manuscript and certificate of ethical clearance
  5. Manuscripts will not be processed to the review stage if they do not follow the style of the journal environment and writing instructions. Manuscripts can be rejected by the editor if the manuscript does not meet the specified conditions.



All submitted articles may use Indonesian. The Editor Team does not provide proofreading services for English, so it is the responsibility of the author. If the grammar is too bad and does not meet the standards, then the editorial team will not process it. 


Make sure all the documents below are ready to be uploaded simultaneously

  1. Manuscript
  2. Title page upload in the supplementary file section
  3. Statement letter (signed by the corresponding author) uploaded in the supplementary file section
  4. Ethical clearance (for research with invasive procedures) uploaded in the supplementary file


It is a separate document from the manuscript and uploaded in the supplementary file section which consists of:

  1. Manuscript title in Indonesian and English
  2. Full names of all authors
  3. Full address along with the name of the institution of all authors
  4. Detailed information from the corresponding author (name, email and, telephone) 


  1. Manuscripts are written in word format at least MS-Office 2010
  2. The paper used is A4 size with 3 cm top, bottom, left, and right margins.
  3. Manuscripts are typed in Arial font size 11 pt with 1.15 spacing.
  4. Do not use bold for emphasis in the text.
  5. Do not use tabs or indents to start a new paragraph.
  6. Do not use the automatic features in your software 

Abstract and Keywords

  1. The abstract should be an informative summary of your manuscript.
  2. Abstracts must follow a predetermined structure which includes Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions with a maximum word count of 250 words and a maximum number of keywords 5.
  3. Authors who submit manuscripts in Indonesian must make 2 types of abstracts in Indonesian and English
  4. Abstract containing background using past tense and present tense sentences, research objectives, research methods, results and discussion, and conclusions using past tense sentences


  1. All tables are listed in the main manuscript
  2. Number the tables sequentially in Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.) in the order of the first quote in the text
  3. Provide clear and informative titles in each table
  4. The head of the table uses Arial font size 10 pt and bold
  5. Fill in the table using Arial font size 10 pt with a single space
  6. If the table is from another publication, it is mandatory to state the source.


  1. All images are included in the main manuscript
  2. Number the pictures sequentially in Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.) in the order of the first quote in the text
  3. The image format can be JPEG/TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. Color images in CMYK or RGB format.
  4. Letters, numbers, and symbols must be clear and even, and of sufficient size that when reduced in size for publication, each item will remain identifiable.
  5. If the image comes from another publication, it is mandatory to include the source
  6. The author's name and affiliation must not appear in the image

Abbreviations and Symbols

  1. Complete terms and abbreviations in the first writing must be clear and then followed by brackets, such as the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Then simply use the AKB.
  2. Abbreviations used must be based on international standards
  3. Weight, volume, etc must be written in standard metrics


  1. Numbers, both in the core of the text and in the table, must be displayed in percentage (%).
  2. Data analysis using the average must be followed by the standard deviation and median
  3. Thousands of data using point format, for example (Rp 888,800)
  4. Fractional data using comma format, for example (height 182.8 cm)
  5. Significance values ​​should be displayed for example (p = 0.005)


Acceptable contributions include general support by the institution/institution/head in the form of technical assistance, and financial and/or material support (including grants). State any conflicts of interest, if any. 


  1. Citation and bibliography used must use standard citation applications (Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.).
  2. Libraries are written in Vancouver Style
  3. Libraries at least 80% come from SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in the form of journals or proceedings with a maximum year of the last 10 years starting from submitting the manuscript in the Biographical Journal.
  4. Unpublished sources, such as manuscripts or personal communication cannot be used as written references.
  5. References in text, tables, and legends must be numbered in parentheses such as (1), (1, 4), (1-3), (1, 3-5) and quoted sequentially in the order in which they appear in the manuscript.
  6. Do not include references in abstracts
  7. References in tables, figures, and panels must be in numerical order according to where the item is cited in the text
  8. Libraries from online journals must include a DOI (digital object identifier)
  9. Online materials, please quote the URL, together with the date you accessed the website 

Vancouver style of writing for the Biographical Journal

Standard Format for Books

Initials of the author's surname. Title: subtitles. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Books with 1-6 authors

  1. Webb P, Bain C. Essential epidemiology: an introduction for students and health professionals. England: Cambridge University Press; 2010.

Books with more than 6 authors

  1. Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2008.

Parts in the book

  1. Vidyadaran S, Ramasamy R, Seow HF. Stem cells and cancer stem cells: Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury. In: Hayat MA, editor. New York: Springer; 2012.


  1. Frank SA. Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases [Internet]. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2002 [cited 2014 December 17]. Available from:

Standard Format for Journals

Journal articles 1-6 authors

  1. Grover S, Dua D, Sahoo S, Mehra A, Nehra R. Why all COVID-19 hospitals should have mental health professionals: The importance of mental health in a worldwide crisis! Asian J Psychiatrist. 2020;51(1):1021:47. 7326/M20-1033

 Journal articles of more than 6 authors

  1. Mo Y, Deng L, Zhang L, Lang Q, Liao C, Wang N, et al. Work stress among Chinese nurses to support Wuhan in fighting against COVID-19 epidemic. J Nurs Manag. 2020;(March):1–8.


The format for the text varies depending on the type of article. The list of types of articles that can be accepted in environmental health journals is original research and literature review.


Original research category if it is

  1. In research reports written by researchers who did the research
  2. The researchers describe their hypothesis or research question and the purpose of the study.
  3. The researchers detailed their research methods.
  4. The results are written in detail and the interpretation of data analysis is carried out to interpret the possible impact of the study.
  5. The number of words in the core manuscript is a minimum of 3,500 words and a maximum of 4,000 words.
  6. Maximum number of tables/figures 5
  7. The number of references in the manuscript is a mininum 15 references
  8. The systematic writing is as follows: 
  • Title

The title is short, concise, informative. The title should present the most important results of your research.

  • Abstract

See abstract section above

  • Introduction

Provide an overview of the research background, problem identification, and statement of objectives and hypotheses that will be tested in the research. In the introduction, you must include data related to the problems that you adopt from similar research.

  • Method

Researchers are expected to provide detailed explanations regarding:

  1. The research design, as well as the population under study or the experimental model used 
  2. Operational definition of the outcome variable and the instrument used
  3. Methods for estimating and measuring exposure/independent/exposure variables
  4. Classification and categorization of the value class of the variables used
  5. All stages of statistical analysis and software used 
  • Results
    1. The explanation of the results is made clearly and concisely without providing interpretation and extrapolation of the results being reported.
    2. Researchers do not need to explain the method at the beginning of the results of this study 
    3. All the results of the analyzes and experiments are reported in the manuscript including the results of the sensitivity analysis and secondary analysis. Reported results are not limited to statistically significant results or results selected to support the research hypothesis.
    4. It is necessary to clearly state the number of observations in each analysis, as well as information about missing data, handling, and treatment methods in the analysis.
  1. Discussion
    1. Researchers are expected to provide an overview and other information needed to put the research findings into the context of the population being studied.
    2. Researchers use previous complete and balanced literature sources including studies that are inconsistent with the hypothesis, results, and conclusions of the current study 
    3. Researchers convey honestly related to the weaknesses of the research.
    4. Researchers do not need to re-mention the method or research results at the beginning of the section
  2. Conclusion

The author is expected to summarize the main findings concisely, and clearly AND answer the research objectives. This conclusion section can end with suggestions/recommendations and things that can be done in the future (if deemed necessary).

  1. Acknowledgment

See the acknowledgment section above

  1. Bibliography

See reference section above 


  1. Literature Review is a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing research works and ideas that have been produced by researchers and practitioners.
  2. The purposes of writing a literature review are (1) to provide a theoretical background/base for the research to be carried out, (2) to study the depth or breadth of existing research related to the topic to be studied, and (3) to answer practical questions with an understanding of what has been studied. generated by previous research.
  3. The word count in the core manuscript is at least 4,500 words.
  4. Maximum number of tables/figures 3
  5. References used at least 35.
  6. Systematics of writing are as follows: 
  • Title

The title is short, concise, informative. The title should display the most important results of your research 

  • Abstract

Abstract for literature review consists of Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion sections. 

  • Introduction

Provide an overview of the research background, problem identification, or research questions that underlie the preparation of a literature review. At the end of the section, state the specific purpose of the review in answering the questions. 

  • Discussion
  1. Researchers are expected to provide an overview and other information needed to put the research findings into the context of the population being studied.
  2. The review table is entered in this section which consists of the name of the researcher, research title, population, methods, results and conclusions.
  3. Researchers use previous complete and balanced literature sources including studies that are inconsistent with the hypothesis, results, and conclusions of the current study
  4. The researcher conveys honestly regarding the weaknesses of the research
  5. There is no need to mention the method or research results at the beginning of the discussion section
  • Acknowlegment

See the acknowledgment section above 

  • Conclusion

The author is expected to summarize the main findings concisely, and clearly AND answer the research objectives. This conclusion section can end with suggestions/recommendations and things that can be done in the future (if deemed necessary).

  • Bibliography

See the bibliography section above 


  1. Please note that all articles submitted in the Biography Journal will be checked for plagiarism.
  2. The author must paraphrase in his own words to avoid plagiarism
  3. In cases where a particular quote will lose its original meaning and essence if paraphrasing is attempted, the Journal requires the author to enclose the quote in quotation marks ("") to indicate that it is a direct quote from the source. But you can't overdo it.
  4. Journal of Biography provides a maximum tolerance of 25%.



  1. Manuscripts that are identical and similar to previous publications cannot be processed in the Biographical Journal.
  2. If you have any doubts (especially concerning for the material you have published), we ask you to continue with your submission but to include copies of previously published relevant works or works under consideration by other journals.




The subject has the right to privacy which should not be violated without written consent. Identifying details (written or photographic) should be omitted if they are not essential, but subject data should not be altered or falsified to achieve anonymity. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, and consent forms should be obtained if there is any doubt.


The author must state in writing that the research was carried out following the applicable laws and regulations. You can also see the Helsinki declaration. The editor has the right to reject papers that do not include ethical approval for manuscripts originating from invasive research.


A statement that the experiment was conducted with the understanding and consent of each participant, and a statement that the responsible and ethical committee has approved the experiment


In a paper describing experiments on live animals, include (1) a complete description of each anesthetic and surgical procedure used, and (2) evidence that all possible steps were taken to avoid animal suffering at each stage of the experiment. In experiments involving the use of muscle relaxants, describe the precautions taken to ensure adequate anesthesia.