Sound System: Bentuk Money Politik Gaya Baru dalam Menarik Simpati Masyarakat pada Kontes Pemilihan Kepala Desa
Sound system, money politics, new style, social exchange, sympathyAbstract
Money Politics is the phenomenon of the use of money or other materials by political actors to attract public sympathy. Developments show the use of facilities such as sound systems as a tool to attract public sympathy. This research explores the use of sound systems as a form of new style money politics using a qualitative phenomenological approach. Determining informants used a purposive sampling technique with data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. This research uses social exchange theory by George C. Homans and Peter M. Blau in examining the problem formulation. This theory explains social interactions where every action considers the sacrifices and benefits obtained. The research results show that the social relationship between the Wanojejer village head and the community results in beneficial social exchanges for both parties. Loaning a sound system from the village head helps reduce residents' costs when holding events. On the other hand, residents who receive this assistance realize that this is a form of money politics and show their sympathy and support for the village head.