Journal Systems Hubungan Intensitas Marketing Publik Tentang Informasi Nilai Gizi dengan Literasi Informasi Nilai Gizi terhadap Kualitas Hidup Mahasiswa di Surabaya2024-12-20T12:31:05+07:00Muhammad Farrel Muhammad Suma Firman Romadhoni Moh Suma Firman Luciana Auwalani Fikrah Luciana Giananda Chan Sadila Giananda Ayu Dwi Kartika Dera Ayu Dwi Rachmalatri Melinda<p>This study analyzes the relationship between public marketing intensity related to nutritional value information and nutritional value information literacy related to the quality of life of students in Surabaya City by measuring three variables which include public marketing intensity and quality of life (X) and nutrition as independent variables. Information literacy as dependency (Y). The data collection instrument was conducted through a questionnaire that included a research sample of students from the city of Surabaya. The sample selection used purposive sampling technique. Statistical tests were used to accurately present conclusions about the relationship between the intensity of community nutrition information marketing and the quality of life of students in Surabaya City. The results of this study were interpreted using the SPSS application as a tool to analyze the research data. Related to the low nutritional literacy of adolescents, the quality of lifestyle of adolescents, especially students, is considered less healthy. This behavior is related to the marketing intensity of the community in providing nutrition information on food labels.</p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Pemerintah Tiongkok dalam Menjaga Keamanan Pangan Berkelanjutan2024-12-20T12:36:24+07:00Hafidhotul Izzat Sandiyah Hafidhotul Izzat Sandiyahhisandiyah@gmail.comAgus Tri Hartono Agus Tri Hartonohisandiyah@gmail.comBagus Sigit Sunarko Bagus Sigit<p><em>China has to use natural resources efficiently for the sustainability of its food security. However, China's food waste problem threatens this goal. This research aims to analyze China's efforts to maintain food sustainability through food waste prevention policies. The concepts of food waste, sustainable food systems and public policy are used in this research. This research uses a quasi-qualitative research method using literature study. The results show that China uses symbolic policies called as "Clean Your Plate" campaign and regulative policies, namely the Anti- Food Waste Law. These two types of policies are used to prevent environmental footprints and carbon emissions from food waste which threaten China's food sustainability.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Program Pengembangan Usaha Mikro oleh Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kabupaten Jember2024-12-20T12:42:00+07:00Fitri Dwi Ardiyanti Fitri Dwi Ardiyantifitridwi3012@gmail.comAnwar Anwarfitridwi3012@gmail.comSutomo<p><em>Microenterprises are the largest business population in Indonesia, reaching 99.62 percent. Jember Regency has a number of micro businesses of approximately 500,000 to be one of the contributors to the very large GRDP and is a priority for the economic recovery of Jember Regency after the co-19 pandemic through the micro business development program. The implementation of the micro business development program by the cooperative and micro business office of Jember Regency is effective, in accordance with the suitability theory of David C Korten. Some examples of development programs carried out are technological guidance, licensing facilitation, and marketing assistance. The success of this program implementation cannot be separated from the factors that support the program, namely the commitment of the implementing actors and the enthusiasm of the micro </em><br /><em>business actors. One of the shortcomings of the program is human resources, from the implementing organization and also from the beneficiaries themselves.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Pemerintah Turki dalam Mengatasi Konflik dengan Syrian Democratic Forces 2024-12-20T12:46:44+07:00Hamim Ilmawan Hamim Prabhawati Adhiningasih Eko Zuhri Ernanda Sus Eko Zuhri<p><em>(SDF) is one aspect that is difficult to resolve in the Syrian civil war which began in 2011. Turkey considers it necessary to handle it in the form of conflict resolution related to the ongoing conflict. In the peace studies, there are three implementation elements, namely peace keeping, peacemaking, and peace building. This research uses qualitative methods, using literature reviews to obtain secondary data. The results of this research are that Turkey initiated three military operations as a peace strategy, namely Operation Euphrates Shield, Operation Olive Branch and Operation Peace Spring as peace keeping. To maintain the attack, Turki with its peace keeping policy needs to arrange their military. After that, Turki also needs the peacemaking just to make sure that they can finally minimalize the damage of its operation. The peacemaking that Turkey did was cooperation with United State, </em><br /><em>cooperation with EU, and normalization of cooperation between Turkey and Syria.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Media Sosial Dalam Keterbukaan Informasi Publik di Universitas Jember2024-12-20T12:53:58+07:00Sukron Makmun Sukron Dewi Poerwanti Sari Dewi Adi Paramitha Nurina Adi Dwi Kusumaningrum Nurcahyaning Dwi<p>This study aims to explore the role of social media, particularly Instagram, in enhancing public information transparency at the University of Jember. Using a qualitative approach, the research examines how social media is utilized by the university's public relations office to disseminate transparent, accountable, and efficient information to the public. The findings reveal that Instagram significantly facilitates the distribution of academic and non-academic information, fosters interactive communication, and strengthens relationships between the institution and its community. However, managing specific categories of information, especially classified information, presents challenges. This study provides insights into strategies for leveraging social media to support effective and responsive public information transparency.</p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sidoarjo dalam Penanggulangan Prevalensi Stunting di Kabupaten Sidoarjo 2024-12-21T08:07:48+07:00Fellah Attaqi Rahmah Fellah Attaqi<p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe the efforts employed made by Sidoarjo District Health Services to address the prevalence of stunting in Sidoarjo. Stunting prevention is one of the issues and has become a focus of SDGs, stunting refers to a condition where children and toddlers fail to grow properly due to chronic nutritional deficiencies during the first 1,000 Days of Life (HPK).Therefore, real and proper action is effective for reducing and overcoming stunting. In this research, the efforts implemented include collaboration and involvement of all stakeholders, implementation of stunting control programs, efforts to fulfill resources for stunting control, and stunting socialization and optimization of the use of social media as a health promotion medium. A descriptive qualitative research method was used for this research, incorporating data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate a decrease in stunting rates in Sidoarjo Regency following the implementation of these strategies. The stunting rate decreased from 16.1% in the 2022 SSGI data to 10.8% in February 2024, with </em><br /><em>expectations for further decline </em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol Akuntansi Manajemen ada UMKM Di Era Digitalisasi 2024-12-21T08:12:14+07:00Fauziyah Azzahro Fauziyah<p><em>PAM stands for Management Accounting Methods. It is a management accounting method that provides business information in the planning, evaluation, control, and decision-making processes, thus helping companies improve their performance. PAM </em><em>was initially used only for controlling production costs, and this is often referred to as traditional PAM. Its methods include budgeting, cost accounting, inventory management, and others. With its development and the shift of asset investment from </em><em>tangible to intangible, new methods for management accounting practices have emerged, focusing more on efforts to increase product value to meet consumer needs. This is called contemporary PAM. Its new methods include value-based management, </em><em>total equity management, environmental management accounting, and others. The difference between traditional and contemporary PAM lies in its sophistication. While traditional PAM did not indicate the presence of technology, contemporary PAM indicates an adaptation to technology.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 e-sospol