Penerapan BIM pada Perencanaan Gedung Perkantoran untuk Mendeteksi Clash Detection dan QTO Pekerjaan Struktur
Building Information Modeling, Clash Detection, Quantity Take Off, 3D DesignAbstract
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an innovative technological approach that aims to solve problems in the construction phase by improving understanding, coordination and efficiency. This research focuses on applying the BIM system to the three-dimensional modelling of reinforced concrete buildings using Tekla Structure BIM software. The objectives include creating a 3D design model, identifying reinforcement clash, calculating structural material volume, and estimating planning costs. The case study uses the design of a five-story office building in Mojolangu, Malang Regency, which uses reinforced concrete materials. The modelling method uses Tekla Structure software to produce 3D designs and Quantity Take Off output. Implementing BIM into the construction process is expected to increase the designability and efficiency of construction design work. The results of the volume of work based on the Quantity Take Off analysis of reinforcement are 199,572.2 kg, and concrete is 831.10 m³ with a planned budget for structural work costs of Rp. 9,391,331,828. BIM is proven to have the advantage of being more efficient and integrated into producing 3D design, can detect conflicts in the early stages of a design, can ensure accurate cost estimates based on material requirements, produces the least risk of design overlap and has a high level of adaptability in the process high design.
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