Penerapan Parameter Six Big Losses untuk Manajemen Pabrik


  • M Fahrur Rozy Hentihu Universitas Jember
  • Heri Supriyono
  • Ahmad Adib Rosyadi
  • Hari Arbiantara Basuki
  • Santoso Mulyadi


six big losses, company management, pareto diagram, fish bone diagram


PT X has consistently implemented Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) to improve operational efficiency and company productivity. On the other hand, the concept of Six Big Losses is very closely related to TPM. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the application of the Six Big Losses concept in factory management, focusing on case studies at PT X and using fishbone diagrams to identify the root causes of problems. Data from the breakdown that happened in March was analyzed, highlighting the damage caused by Pal Teflon in factory operations. The research results show that through this approach, companies can identify and handle operational problems more effectively, reflected in decreased breakdown values after corrective action. These findings emphasize the importance of implementing Six Big Losses as an effective management tool in increasing factory efficiency and productivity. The practical implication of this research is that companies can use the same approach to optimize their operations, with a focus on identifying root causes and implementing appropriate corrective actions.


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