Redesain Perancangan Gedung untuk Memenuhi Standar Bangunan Gedung Hijau Berkelanjutan Berbasis BIM



Green Building, Sustainability, BIM, Redesign, BGH


Population growth in Indonesia causes an increase in building needs every year. Many studies and information show that building construction hurts the environment. The Indonesian government has issued regulations governing the implementation of Green Buildings (BGH) as an effort to design sustainable buildings. However, applying this rule still needs to be improved because it requires additional funds and a reasonably complicated design. The government has advised that all building construction funded by the government is expected to implement BGH. The construction of the ICU building at Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, which the Blitar Regency Government owns, is underway. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the implementation of BGH in the building and the efforts that must be made so that the BGH concept can be implemented as fully as possible within the required costs. The research was carried out through design reviews, field conditions surveys, and interviews with project stakeholders. This data will be assessed to assess the extent of BGH implementation in the building project. The research results show that the percentage value obtained for Green Buildings has only reached 37% and still needs to meet the primary level criteria with a value of 45% -65%. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a redesign that can be implemented so that the building meets the BGH criteria. The redesign includes site management, energy use efficiency, indoor air quality and waste management. The results of efforts to improve the performance of Green Buildings can increase the percentage by 12%. So, the final total percentage of green buildings at Ngudi Waluyo RSD is 49%, which is the required funding IDR 271,330,820.58.


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