Potensi Antimalaria Fraksi-Fraksi Daun Kembang Bulan (Tithonia diversifolia [Hemsley] A. Gray)


  • Nuri Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Jember
  • Yudi Wicaksono Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Jember
  • Verdian Rahardi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Jember
  • Wiwien Sugih Utami Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Jember
  • Yunita Armiyanti Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Jember


Antimalarial, Fraction, Kembang bulan


Kembang bulan (Tithonia diversifolia [Hemsley] A. Gray) has been used in traditional medicine to treat malaria. Previous research results showed that the ethanol extract of kembang bulan leaves had antimalarial activity in vivo with an ED50 of 113.39 mg/kgBW. Until now, the compounds with antimalarial activity in vivo are unknown. The initial stage that can be done to separate the compounds in the extract is fractionation. This study aims to separate the extract into fractions and test its antimalarial activity. Fractionation was carried out using a vacuum liquid chromatography method using a stationary
phase of silica gel GF254 and a mobile phase of n-hexane, chloroform and methanol in a gradient. In vivo antimalarial activity was tested using the Peter test method. Fractionation produces 5 fractions, each yield is 1.9; 2.1; 17.6; 60.8, and 17.6% respectively for fractions 1-5. The results of the antimalarial activity test for fractions 1-5 with a dose of 2 mg/kgBW showed inhibition of the growth of Plasmodium berghei respectively at 52.3 ± 1.4; 83.5±1.4; 74.6±1.2; 69.5±0.9; 44.8 ± 0.3%. Fraction 2 with the greatest resistance was tested further and showed an ED50 value of 0.52 mg/kgBW.





