1. Manuscripts written for the Journal of Public Administration Progress (JPAP) include research results and literature reviews that include research results, literature reviews, and critical reviews of the development of theories and practices of public administration, public policy, public management and social issues in public affairs governance both in government institutions and society.
2. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian and English. The manuscript writing system is title, author's name, abstract with keywords, introduction, discussion or analysis (result and discussion), conclusion, and bibliography.
3. Manuscripts are typed using Microsoft Word on A4 HVS paper, around 6000-7000 words, with Palatino Linotype type size 12 pts and 1.5 spacing.
4. Manuscripts can be submitted directly to the editor or can also be attached via email to...........
5. The title of the article should not exceed 12 words. The title is typed in italics with capital letters in the center, size 14 pt.
6. The author's name is written without an academic title, followed by the name of the institution where the author works, and listed under the title of the article. The main author must include a correspondence address or email.
7. The abstract and keywords must be written in two languages (Bahasa Indonesia and English). The length of each abstract is around 150-200 words, while the keyword limit is 3-5 words. The abstract must at least contain the objectives, methods, and results of the research.
8. Tables and figures must be given a clear title, number and source, and typed with a single space.
9. The bibliography only contains reference sources, and all reference sources must be mentioned in the list. Reference sources consist of at least 80% of printed literature published in the last 10 years. References are sources in the form of research articles in journals or research reports (including undergraduate theses, master's theses, dissertations, books, and other relevant publications).
10. Reference and citation techniques use reduced reference techniques (last name, year). The inclusion of sources in direct quotations is followed by information about the page number of the referenced source. For example: (Laclau, 1998: 81)
11. Check accuracy, meaning that every article referred to and quoted in the article is written in the bibliography and references. Works that are not cited but mentioned in the Bibliography or References will be removed by the editor.
12. The list of references is arranged and sorted alphabetically and chronologically.
13. All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their expertise. The author is given the opportunity to revise the manuscript based on recommendations/suggestions from the reviewer or editor. The decision to publish or reject will be informed via the author's email address.
14. The editor has the right to change and correct the spelling, writing, and grammar of the published manuscript.
15. Everything related to permission to quote or use computer software in writing the manuscript, or everything related to copyright carried out by the author, along with all legal consequences, is the full responsibility of the author.
16. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned except at the author's request.